IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2021 Issue №2

Evolution of «Alternative for Germany» in 2017—2021


As many as six parties made a precedent to be simultaneously elected in post-war German history in the elections to the Bundestag in 2017. Moreover, the right-wing radical party, Alternative for Germany, was able to enter the Parliament for the first time. The emergence of the party in the social and political space of the country and in the Parliament aroused in German society and science an increased interest in the phenomenon of right-wing populism. The Alternative for Germany rapidly became the focus of attention of political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, etc. It was assumed that Alternative for Germany could have several main scenarios of development: gradually move closer to the center and become a systemic party, disappear after several electoral cycles, or continue moving to the right. By the elections to the Parliament in 2021, the party strengthened its positions in the eastern regions of the country, while continuing to shift to the right. This article examines the internal struggle among members of the party, the evolution of program guidelines and the results of the party congress in Dresden on April 10—11, 2021.

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Areas of effective cooperation between ASEAN and civil society in South-East Asia


Evolution of civil society in South-East Asia have been widely analyzed in the framework of current political researches dedicated to regionalization processes in that part of the world. In this regard, special attention has been given to the implementation of ASEAN’s concept of strengthening cooperation with CSO’s. This article aims at identifying the areas of effective cooperation between official ASEAN and civil society organizations in the region. The research is based on the concept of "New regionalism", which refers to the increasing involvement of civil society in regional integration processes, following such global trends as decentralization of national power, a global shift to multi-polar world etc. The author identified three such areas of effective cooperation: maritime piracy, natural disaster management and the rights of migrant workers. These cases may serve as a successful example for expanding the cooperation between official ASEAN and civil society into other areas of regional priority.

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Development of the auto­ma­tic system based on the three-factor communication model for the extrac­tion and classification of the comments in social media


The paper aims at examining the main communication strategies used by those involved into risk communication on the governmental regulations on the management of the adverse aftermaths of the crises (on the case of COVID-19 pandemics). In order to extract and classify the set of comments, a three-factor model was developed to classify the texts and comments through S. Hall’s 'encoding/decoding' model, N. Luhmann’s functional subsystems theory, and communicational strategies' types. Using tools for the automa­tized data extraction we got the texts (76.000) and comments (1.500.000) samples and developed a neural network classifying the texts decoding re­gimes during its interpretation. The approach developed by authors both al­lows to consider the issues, and the 'measures/statements — reactions' model, it helps to examine broader set of governmental measures and statements, us­ers' reactions and analyze texts in the Russian language.

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