Cultural code of the city
The article explores one of the modern trends in the semiotic analysis of the city and urban environment — the study of the cultural code of the city. In the contemporary academic discourse, the importance of studying the cultural code of the city is growing not so much as a phenomenon but as a system of decoding and cognizing each specific city in its own context. This aspect ...
Semio-poiesis: on the birth of the semiosphere from the biosphere
The article discusses a possible development of Yuri Lotman’s concept of semiosphere by supplementing it with the idea of semio-poiesis. Analysis of the processes of origination, evolution and functioning of the genetic code makes it possible to describe the main mechanisms of these processes. The associations of material phenomena (in this case nucleotides and amino acids) led to the establishment of semiotic links, resulting in mechanisms of information storage and ...
On connection between codependency and the ideas about abusive relationships in young women
The article discusses the specifics of connection between codependency and young women’s understanding of abusive, romantic and marital relationships and clarifies the specific judgments about violent behavior in partnerships among women with high codependency. The study relies on 110 responses from women aged from 19 to 30. The free associations methods, the scale of codependency of B. K. Weinhold and J. B. Weinhold, the questionnaire of interpersonal relations of W. Schutz, the author’s semi-structured...
Should there be biomolecular pragmatics?
... quasi-subjectivity) of sign systems, which leads to a scenario where the sign system functions as both its subject and object, thus reviving Peirce's idea of the sign as a quasi-mind. An analysis of the primary regulatory mechanisms shows that regulatory codes: (a) create specific conditions for coding, (b) govern and control coding processes, and (c) consist of the same elements as coding elements, although are interpreted differently. Their interpretant is not amino acids or proteins but the processes ...
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
N. Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia” is used to study the mythopoetic code forming the basis of the writer’s works. The article considers the semantics of human life as vegetation in its connection to the “life-death”, “young-old”, and “top-bottom” oppositions. The author’s approach consists in reconstructing ...
«Nomen est omen»: the role of names in the novel Parade by Nikolay Kononov
The author analyses the role of the main characters’ names — Lev, Lyuda and Arkady — in the novel Parade by N. Kononov. The multilanguage anagrammatic code is chosen as a research technique: anagramming (in some cases with a transition from one language to another) allows the author to identify hidden meanings consciously or subconsciously used by the writer. N. Kononov resorts to language game throughout ...
Musical ekphrasis and musical code in N. Kononov’s novels
The article studies the representation of acoustic imagery in N. Kononov’s novels. The research focuses on musical ekphrasis and musical code in the context of all the acoustic nominations found in the texts. In the system of sensory codes, under the concept of "musical", the author puts the idea of reflection and introspection. The specific feature of Kononov’s style is its ...
The numerological code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Tripartite Sibling”
Based on N. Kononov’s short story, this article analyses the numerological code relating to the generation of the plural from the singular I (ego). An increase in the number of objects is accounted for by the dynamic equation N = N+1. The author examines both the visible and hidden techniques of the code representation based ...
The system of ethical codes of modern Russia
This article considers the formation of ethical codes in modern Russia. The authors investigate legal acts regulating the creation, implementation, and preservation of ethical standards. The article offers a system of ethical codes and identifies certain problems of their application.
1. Бережкова ...
Ekaterinburg — Sverdlovsk — Ekaterinburg: the city image in the dynamics of a toponymic text
... historical dynamics. The main stages of modification of the Ural city toponymic image are characterized via the metaconcept of chronotopos. As a tool of linguocultural analysis per se, generalised onomasiological, semantic models, or cultural semantic codes, are used. These involve landscape-distinctive, social-functional and social-symbolic codes. The paper defines the specificity of the realisation of cultural semantic codes in the toponymy (urbanonymy) of Ekaterinburg relative to three chronotopic ...
Axiological potential of figurative units of the Russian language, translating the plant code
... phraseological expressions possessing imagery, semantic dualism, and an associative nature of expression are characterized. The aim of the research is to identify the axiological meanings of an extensive group of linguistic units representing the plant code in Russian culture. Attention is given not only to the core but also to peripheral “plant” semas, allowing the inclusion of extensive layers of vocabulary and phraseology in the study. A methodology for axiological analysis of figurative units ...
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
The second article of the series considers the role of the vegetative code in conveying the core of N. Kononov’s hidden semantic system, namely, the de-velopment of the dual and the plural from the singular I (ego). The paronymy between the Russian koren (root) and the English corn makes it possible to progress to the ...
Lessing’s Hamburg Dramaturgy in the “codes of hope” discourse of the Enlightenment
... Germany towards apparently natural human inclinations. It contradicted both Augustine’s teaching of human corruption and Hobbes’s misanthropic anthropology. This German sensitivity served as the basis for Lessing’s philosophy of hope. Lessing’s “code of hope”, whose ideas developed in the “pre-critical” period of the Elightenment is based on trust in human sensibility, within which, probably unconsciously, in the conditions of newly established autonomy, he discovers the heteronomous orientation ...
From ekphrasis to autobiography (Nikolay Kononov’s story “Svetotomia”)
... of representation of the autobiographical topos in N. Kononov’s short story “Svetotomia” that is present implicitly in each work of the writer. In this short story, the autobiographical discourse is represented via the painting and photography code. The authors emphasize the significance of the concepts of “life” and “death” and reveal their mythopoetic semantics of cycle and mutual transition. Ekphrastic descriptions are both explicit and implicit in Kononov’s short story. The ...
Neither more nor less: the grounds for A.Skidan’s system
... semantic invariant and studies the ways of its invariant development, analyzes connection between the relevant concepts and categories of space and movement, life and death. The semantic reconstruction is performed through play Multilanguage anagram code, which is used by Skidan to develop the text of basic semantic structures.
1. Бенвенист Э. Словарь индоевропейских социальных терминов. М., 1995.
2. Виноградов В. В. История слов....
Toponyms as a convolutional cultural linguistic code
... Суперанская А. В. Что такое топонимика? М., 1984.
10. Ономастика : [сайт]. URL: http://ономастика.рф/ (дата обращения: 12.05.2015).
Korolyova I.
proper name, toponym, cultural linguistic code, Smolensk toponymy, informational toponym system, toponyms entry, toponym database
A system of oppositions in A. Grin’s short story «Fandango» and their game transformations
... opposition formation. The comparison of A. Grin’s “Fandango”, M.Yu. Lermontov’s “In the wild north…”, and H. Heine’s “Ein Fichtenbaum” is used to prove that A. Grin’s implicit language game is based on a multilingual anagrammatic code. The article examines the implicit semantics of the short story based on the writer’s game projections into his own works.
1. Википедия : свободная энциклопедия : [сайт]. URL: (дата ...
Social code of the Kaliningrad Region in the system of legal regulation of social relations
... систем социального обеспечения: правовые проблемы // Herald of The Euro-Asian Law Congress. 2018. № 1. С. 77—84.
Primak T. K., Zayachkovsky O. A.
system, principles, social state, social legislation, social code, social law, systematization
Writ and simplified proceedings in civil process: a comparative analysis
... analysis is carried out in the historical aspect of the development of institutions; in legal regulation; in procedural matters of production; in the prospects and benefits of development. The research focuses on the provisions of the Civil procedure code of the Russian Federation related to the implementation of simplified production and some issues of improving legislation as well as different views of experts on this issue.
1. Конституция Российской Федерации (принята ...
The legal regulation of inflicting damage on a criminal during detainment in the criminal codes of foreign states
This article deals with the provisions of a number of international criminal codes determining the permissible damage that can be inflicted on the criminal during detainment, thus creating the theoretical framework for the improvement of the corresponding provisions of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.
Уголовный ...
Anagrammatic structures in the semiotic aspect
... traditional perspective on the phenomenon is defined as a general sign-based one: anagrammatic structures are examined in music and mathematics. It is concluded that anagrams are special cognitive universals; anagrammatic structures are possible in semiotic codes with a linear organisation; one of the key functions of anagrams is cognitive – linear texts are perceived as a whole
anagrams, proper noun, semiotic codes, mathematics, music, text, typology, language.
Berestnev G.
The sociolinguistic aspects of Russian-Spanish -Catalan multilingualism: The case of a bi-ethnic polylingual family in Catalonia
This article considers the phenomenon of multilingualism in the case of a Russian-Catalan family living in Spain in the autonomous community of Catalonia. The author defines the terms ‘bilingualism’ and ‘trilingualism’. The sociolinguistic situation in Catalonia is examined. The article analyses the Russian-Spanish-Catalan trilinguism in the observed family. Special attention is paid to the development of multilingualism in children and adolescents. Situation-dependent code-switching in the speech...