Constitutional reforms and stability of the Сonstitution: balance finding problems
AbstractThe article explores consequences of revising the Constitution. Based on 25 years of experience in implementing the supreme law of the Russian Federation, various approaches to changing the text of the Constitution are analyzed. Speial attention is paid to the analysis of proposals to reform the constitutional law, which in effect means replacing the current Constitution with a new one. The author aims to study possible effects of constitutional reforms and the stability of the Constitution. He substantiates his position regarding the amendment of the main law. The author employs methods of historical, systemic, comparative legal and dialectical logic analysis. The following forms of the development of the Constitution have been identified: revision, amendment, adoption or perfection of the existing sub-constitutional normative legal acts, official and casual interpretation of the Constitution by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The author considers all proposals to revise the text of the Constitution groundless since the main law has not exhausted its potential. The evolutionary development of the supreme law, which is the key to the progressive development of both state and society, can be achieved through the application of the above forms, including a non-textual amendment of the Constitution.