Constitutional reforms and stability of the Сonstitution: balance finding problems
The article explores consequences of revising the Constitution. Based on 25 years of experience in implementing the supreme law of the Russian Federation, various approaches to changing the text of the Constitution are analyzed. Speial attention is paid to the analysis of proposals to reform the ...
The Kantian Concept of Human Dignity Today
... dignity has undergone in post-Soviet Russia — in everyday language, in ideological doctrines, and in legal documents. While in ordinary life dignity is increasingly reduced to access to material benefits, in its legal sense — above all in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation — anti-communist ideology has turned it into the “right” to enjoy comfortable living conditions, being almost totally divorced from duties and from morality. Such interpretations of human dignity lead to a ...
Institution of Constitutional Complaint in the Russian Federation: Some Questions of Legal Regulation
Constitutional complaint is an efficient instrument of constitutional right protection in Russia. The judicial body dealing with such complaints is
the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. However, certain problems arise due to the legislative ...
The political debate on the change of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland after the parliamentary elections of 2015
In 1997, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland was adopted. Since then, constitutional disputes have continued in Poland. After the 2015 elections, they sharpened. In addition, Polish President Andrzej Duda proposed a change to the Constitution of the Republic ...
Kant and the Constitution of Russian Federation
This article is an attempt to give I. Kant “credit” for the Constitution of Russian Federation. Of course, the articles of Constitution require significant improvement so that they adhere to the letter and the spirit of Kant’s ideas on state and law. The article stresses the need to take into account two provisions ...
The transitological dimension of constitutional changes in the Slovak Republic
The transformation of constitutional legislation in post-Communist countries follows two models: "reconstruction" and "dismantling". The Czechoslovak experience of constitutional legislation transformation follows that of dismantling. One of the positive ...
Paradoxes of Legal Procedure in Mr. K’s Complaint to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the Defense of Pension Rights of a Serviceman
... author studies some specific legal paradoxes in the implementation of the legislation on status of militaries in the concrete case of the military pensioner K. who served relevant period but did not get the right to obtain pension. The application to The Constitutional Court of Russian Federation and some aspects of the judgment of the Court are analyzed.
1. Конституция Российской Федерации (принята всенародным голосованием 12.12.1993) (с учетом ...
The elite interaction in the post-Soviet Lithuania: the constitutional aspect
The article deals with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania as a result of inter-elite struggles in post-Soviet period of different power groups.
1. Estonian Human Development Report. Baltic Way(s) of Human Development: Twenty Years On. 2010/2011. Eesti Koostöö ...