IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2018 Issue №4

Light and shades of the Enlightenment. Reflections on “Utopias of the Age of Enlightenment” a book by A. V. Chudinov. M. : Integration: Education and Science, 2017. 96 p.


The article focuses on the book "Utopias of the Age of Enlightenment" by A. V. Chudinov. Analyzing this work, the author reflects on the contradictions and paradoxes of the Enlightenment: the utopian ideals of the Enlightenment, aimed at achieving universal happiness and prosperity, in practice were often associated with terror and violence.

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Kowalczyk A. S. Sawinkow. Warszawa : Więź, 2017. 232 s.


The review examines a new edition of the book “Sawinkow” by a Polish researcher A. S. Kowalczyk which is devoted to a famous politician and terrorist B. V. Savinkov. It coincides with the anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the fact that one of the streets in Warsaw was named after Boris Savinkov. The book is structured chronologically and covers the entire life of Boris Savinkov. Despite the fact that the information in it is mostly correct, there is a number of inappropriate simplifications and factual errors. The review features the text composition, its strengths and weaknesses.

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The evolution of the Russian and foreign state and law. The 80th anniversary of the Department of History of State and Law of the Ural State Law University (1936—2016): collection of articles : in 4 vol. / ed. prof. A. S. Smykalina. Ekaterinburg : Ural St


The article analyses one of the largest synoptic publications in the field of history and theory of state and law, published in Russia. The author describes many methodology research schools of Russian jurisprudence and explores their differences and similarities with international research tradition.

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Klochkov V. V. The tory conservative party and the “constitutional revolution” of 1832—1835 in Great Britain. Monograph. Rostov-on the Don ; Taganrog : Southern federal university publishing house, 2017. 481 p.


The review analyzes the academic monograph which examines a wide range of issues in constitutional and political history of Britain in the years 1832—1835. The reviewed book is characterized by the conceptual innovation, a sound historiographical background, thoroughness and a variety of theoretical and methodological features.

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