IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2018 Issue №2

On certain groups in the Soviet outbound tourism (on the example of the Kaliningrad region)


They urgency of this topic is caused by poor knowledge of specific issues in development of Soviet outbound tourism, especially on the regional scale. The purpose of this research is to define the functional aim and effectiveness of use of specialized tourist groups in the structure of outbound tourism in the Kaliningrad region. For this purpose, the author examines the available archive materials of the Kaliningrad Regional Council of Trade Unions and the Regional Council of CPSU (Communist Party of the USSR), analyzes relevant publications. Particular attention is drawn to the implementation of the mission of tourist groups aboard, following the specialized routs. The author identifies the measures taken by the state organizations dealing with the outbound tourism issues aimed to improve the efficiency of the tourist trips. The article considers the basic elements borrowed from foreign experience and implemented in the Kaliningrad regional economy.

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Children's daily life play in the post-war years (based on the material of the Ukrainian SSR)


The author makes an attempt to characterize the daily life play of the Soviet children in the postwar period. The analysis of the issue was carried out on the background of theoretical works on the topic, as well as archival materials and the results of the questionnaire. The study allows to identify the main types of toys and gaming activities, common among Soviet children in the post-war years. It was determined that the post-war devastation had negative consequences for the development of the Soviet toy industry, but this did not affect the content aspect of the very subculture of childhood itself during the period under study.

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