IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2018 Issue №1

Actor-based network theory in the context of ideology and political ontology


The aim of this research is to consider the possibility of applying actornetwork theory (STS) to political processes. The authors analyze B. Latour’s criticism of the traditional political science and sociological approaches to the understanding of different spheres through the prism of ideology and interest. The initial assumptions and main arguments of the actor-network theory are compared with the post-Marxist theory of hegemony by E. Laclau and C. Mouffe. The conclusion draws attention to the limited possibilities of the practical application of STS since it lacks instruments of political action.

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Gradation levels of value conditionality in political participation


The article presents the results of a theoretical study on the substantiation of the levels of value conditionality of political participation. On the basis of the subjective and objective nature of values, the level of normative ideals and that of individual priorities in the conditionality of civic activity and the political participation of young people have been singled out.

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