IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №12

The Baltic states before and during World War II: The dilemma of independence


This article considers the events of the 1930—1940s in the Baltics. The authors analyse changes in the political systems and international priorities of the ruling elites of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The influence of domestic factors on solving the problem of independence preservation in the conditions of world war is identified.

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Military sovkhozes of the Red Army in former East Prussia in 1945—1946


This paper focuses on the ensuring of food supply for the military personnel of the Red Army and the German population in the first post-war years. Emphasis is placed on the development of new agricultural structures - subsidiary farms, enterprises, and, later, military sovkhozes, which created the basis for the agricultural industry after the Soviet population of the Kaliningrad region.

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Passages from the history of the Kaliningrad region: The first sitting of the Königsberg regional Office for Civil Affairs on June 26—27, 1946


An analysis of the transcript of a meeting held on June 26—27, 1946 at the Königsberg Office for Civil Affairs helps consider the perspective of the civil administration and the commandment of the 11th Guards Army on the problems of the development of the Königsberg / Kaliningrad region in 1946. The meeting participants focused on the conflict between the civil and military authorities. Different models of relations between the military and civil administrative structures developed in the region’s towns and districts. The meeting also discussed the position of the German population and the flaws of trade and communication organization.

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