Dependence on imported food as a threat to the food security of the Kaliningrad region
This article considers the problem of food security in the case of the Kaliningrad region. The key threat to regional food security is the increasing dependence on import. It is proved that the region’s food security can be ensured through self-sufficiency.
1. ВТО-ИНФОРМ. Аналитический ...
Formation of monitoring system for food security (at the example of the Kaliningrad region)
The author substantiates that among basic elements of mechanism of food security provision one should consider monitoring and forecasting
of factors defining threats for food security in the exclave region.
ежегодник: статистический сборник. Калининград,...
First results of the import substitution policy in the Kaliningrad region
The aim of this research work is to analyze the results of the import substitution policy of an exclave territory. The objectives of this research include the analysis of the development of agriculture in the exclave region, the evaluation of the food security level, the assessment of import substitution and its influence on the development of agriculture. The subject of this study is the policy of import substitution of the Kaliningrad region. The object of this research is the agricultural sector ...
The modelling of consumer demand for food in the Kaliningrad region
This article presents an approach to developing a comprehensive model of demand for agricultural produce in the Kaliningrad region within the re-search problem of ensuring regional food security. The comprehensive model includes the regulatory and statistical patterns of consumption and a model of demand for resources among agricultural manufacturers. The article presents the results of statistical modelling and a forecast of regional ...
Modelling in Food Safety Control
This article proves the problem of food safety control to be multi-aspect. The author suggests applying the methods of mathematical modelling to food safety control.
Алтухов А.
Методология и методика определения уровня продовольственной ...
Characterization and use of synthesized antimicrobial peptide in the composition of biodegradable food film
One direction in the development of food packaging involves the use of biodegradable safe materials along with antimicrobial agents. Among the promising prescribed ingredients for biodegradable films are biopeptides with antimicrobial properties. The research goal was to develop a biodegradable ...
Changes in prices for basic consumer basket goods: The case of the Kaliningrad region
... the minimum consumer basket. The analysis uses the indicative method based on studying variations in the chain growth rate of prices, trends method, and time series variation. The calculations made it possible to describe changes in prices for staple food in the Kaliningrad region over the past ten years.
1. Борисова А. А., Ермолаев М. Б. Проявление закона Филлипса на уровне региона // Экономика и предпринимательство....
Modeling Value Chains in Kaliningrad Agriculture
The article describes an approach to modeling and monitoring of the value added in the agricultural sector of the Kaliningrad region in the situration of the need to improve food security and increase internal agricultural output. The results of the first phase of the simulation based on the example of crop production chains of added value to the monitoring Kaliningrad farmers are given for May 2015.
1. Лукьянова ...
Military sovkhozes of the Red Army in former East Prussia in 1945—1946
This paper focuses on the ensuring of food supply for the military personnel of the Red Army and the German population in the first post-war years. Emphasis is placed on the development of new agricultural structures - subsidiary farms, enterprises, and, later, military sovkhozes, which created ...