IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №6

The ethnocultural identification of the Belarusian population in the Russian publications of the late 18th — early 19th centuries


This article analyses the ethnonymy and other ethnocultural markers (denomination, language) of the residents of Belarusian lands during the partitions of Poland on the basis of works by S. Plescheev, H. F. Hackmann, L. M. Maksimovich, V. M. Severgin, and other scholars. The urban population was ethnically identified as Polish, whereas the rural peasant one as predominantly Lithuanian.

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After «the collapse of the empire»: British-American his-toriography of the first half of the 1990s on the parallels in the history of formation of the 20th century Lithuanian statehood


This article explores the parallels between the Lithuanian movements for national independence in 1917—1920 and 1988—1991 as analyzed in the Anglo-American historiography of the first half of the 1990s. Such scholars as A. Lieven and other authors characterize some main similarities and differences between those movements. These scholars emphasize the ambiguity of the Soviet experience, as well as the internal conflicts within the Lithuanian political elite and demonstrate the productivity of the comparative approach.

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