IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2011 Issue №9

Spiritual foundations of law


This article attempts to elucidate the fundamental connection between law and morals. The authors substantiate the thesis about the spiritual nature of law as a methodological principle of theoretical and practical jurisprudence. The subject content of spiritual foundations of law is demonstrated through the triunity of dignity, autonomy, and mutual respect and trust. Alongside factual and legal aspects, the article addresses the moral aspect of legal relationship.

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The periodisation of justice of the peace history in Russia


This article sets out to justify the updated author’s version of periodization of history of justice of the peace in Russia. The periodization includes four stages covering a time span from the 12th century to the present, is based on unified criteria, and rectifies the existing terminology and chronology. Each stage is a period of time embracing, on the one hand, a combination of political, social, and legal conditions of the
development of justice of the peace and, on the other hand, the system of justice of the peace (court system, judicial institution, types and forms of state activity).

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The supervisory duties of governors general in felony crime procedures in the first third of the 19th century: law and practice


This article describes the mechanism of fulfilling supervisory duties in felony crime proceedings by using the example of Arkhangelsk, Vologda, and Olonets governors general A. F. Klokachev and S. I. Minitsky. The author also attempts to assess the efficiency of such supervision.

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