IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2023 Issue №1

Urban speech as an object of linguistic research: written and spoken varieties


The article focuses on methodological tendences in urban language research. Authors, meanwhile, substantiate rationality of its spoken and written varieties as separate fields of study. These studies are marked with a high rate of activity and they highlight a new concept of the «regiolect» — a regional variety of the national language. The analysis of the scientific results of linguo-urbanistics reveals the dominance of the onomastic vector and obvious lack of research into urban speech. The authors specify discrepancies in the function of written and spoken language in linguistic, semiotic and psychological aspects. They also state destructive results of simple mechanical transfer of oral speech techniques to urban epigraphy, the differences between word-formation processes in written and oral speech are described. The visuality of a written sign, the possibility of hybrid word formation with the help of other symbolic and graphic systems, as well as the activity of language norms are listed as features of written communication. A distinctive feature of the oral form is the possibility of meaning explication through non-verbal signs. According to the authors, greater reliability of scientific results in the field of modern urban studies can be achieved through compliance with the principle of unmixed study of living speech and urban writing.

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Word-combinations в потоке + Genitive and быть в потоке in modern Russian speech


The article deals with the problem of metaphorical verbalization of the inner state of a person using the example of a non-predicative combination в потоке + Genitive and a predicative combination быть в потоке. Attention to the semantics of the lexeme поток (flow) and to the connotative features of these combinations is due to the high frequency of metaphorical use of the word поток and combinations like “Я в потоке” in the texts of modern media and social networks. The purpose of the article is to identify semantic features and connotative signs of combinations в потоке + Genitive and быть в потоке in the modern Russian speech. The research relies on component and contextual analysis. The work explicates the connotative semes of the noun поток, which are presented in its dictionary definitions; connotative semes that are actualized when using combinations в потоке + Genitive and быть в потоке in specific types of contexts are identified and analyzed on the data from the National Corpus of the Russian language. It is shown that the phenomenon поток in the Russian language consciousness is evaluated mainly negatively, which is expressed by certain lexical-semantic and morphological-syntactic language means that are regularly encountered in contexts.

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Language markers of terrorist-colored text and methods for their identification


A terrorist-­colored text (T-text) can be understood as a piece of speech containing specific linguistic elements denoting a terrorist threat, according to the features of which it is possible to identify not only the socially dangerous content of the utterance, but also to evaluate the degree of its impact. The archive of the dataset of the extremist website “Kavkaz” banned in the Russian Federation, which contains several thousand links to various topics, served as the material for analysis. A comprehensive method of analyzing T-texts was proposed, aimed at detecting, identifying and distributing T-information over the danger scale: a method of level analysis of language material, in which the text is analyzed as a semantic space formed by linguistic means of different levels, and a method of semasiological analysis of language material, which allows identifying elements of rigid ideologization, due to the terrorist ideology prevailing in the T-space, and unidirectional evaluation, determined by the conformity/ non-conformity of a concept to the basic provisions of the ideology of terrorism. It is concluded that the presented method of linguistic analysis makes it possible to detect verbal signs of a terrorist threat in the discursive space, presented at the explicit and implicit levels, and thus provide a high level of objectivity in linguistic analysis.

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Museum exhibition text: intercultural and translation aspects


The article is devoted to the study of the texts of the museum exhibition, which play the mediator role between visitors of a museum and its artifacts. The purpose of the study is to consider the text of the museum exhibition as an effective tool for intercultural communication. The review of foreign and domestic works shows that multilingual museum exposition helps to develop a dialogue and understanding between different cultures. The author studied the museum labels of the State Hermitage Museum, their grammatical and stylistic peculiarities, which should be taken into account while translating museum texts from Russian into English. It is determined that the grammatical peculiarities of the museum texts are verbless constructions, incomplete sentences, where linguistic norms are violated. The style of the texts of museum expositions is, as a rule, publicistic, some texts also have features of scientific, spoken and literary styles. While translating, the translator should aim to save the meaning and functional style.

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