IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2017 Issue №3

Ethnic identity of students as a determinant of their understanding of other cultural groups


The article highlights the problem of interaction between representatives of different cultures, which is influenced by their social representations and ethnic identity. The aim of the work was to analyze the content of students' social ideas about members of other cultures in the context of ethnic identity. In this paper, the authors rely on the theory of social representations and the concept of ethnic identity. This article presents the results of a study on the impact of Russian students’ ethnic identity on their social perceptions of students of Chinese, Tajik, Armenian, Kazakh and Russian cultures, emphasizes the dependence of the type of ethnic identity on such a parameter as social distance. Also, the authors provide a list of actions which may contribute to a positive ethnic identity and adequate social perception of members of other cultures, which can diminish a number of interethnic interaction problems.

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On the development of the naval education in the south of Russia in late XVIII — early XX centuries


Thе article studies the foundation and development of the maritime training institutions in the Crimea and the Black Sea region in the late XVIII — early XX century within the military, political and socio-economic changes that occured in the area. The aim of the article is to analyze conduct the foundation and development of both military and commercial marine education in the region in historical and pedagogical perspectives, that allows us to see the evolution of educational concepts and modification of training maritime experts in the context of significant historical events that affected the quality of training of maritime personnel at various stages of the strategic, military, political and cultural development of the region. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is a systematic approach, the social-conditioning theory of maritime education, the concept of continuous professional education and the higher education reformation concept. The article also demonstrates scientific contribution and the influence of pedagogical views and ideas of outstanding Naval commanders onto the foundation and development of maritime education in Russia.

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On integrating the Russian studies into foreign language teaching process in a non-language university


The article discusses some of the issues of foreign language teaching in non-language high schools. The authors propose a method of integration of Russian Studies material in foreign language communicative learning process, as one of the promising areas of modern education in Russia. Informational and interactive posters in the educational process are another example of a new approach.

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The University lecture as a holistic entity


The article characterizes the function of a lecture as an important form of current university education, reveals its capacities to intensify students' cognitive activity. A certain focus is made on interactive technologies which promotes the response relations with the audience. The author concludes that the efficiency of the lecture will increase if it is built on the principle of integrity, when the content, methods, structure, ways of interaction are led to accordance with the purpose and objectives.

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