IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №3

Linguistic aspects of the treatise by Abel Mathieu «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559)


The article deals with the corpus of problems reflected in the first edition of Abel Matthieu’s «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559). Author’s views on the actual for the French renaissance problems in linguistic tradition, such as the origin of language, it’s defense and illustration, interpretation of foreign texts are studied. The particular attention is paid to Abel Matthieu’s attempts to prove the self-sufficiency of French language.

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On the problem of semiosis in the borrowed sign


The data of empirical research of the borrowed sign evolution are ana-lyzed in the article. The study focuses on"creativity"as an Anglo-American borrowing. Reversive nature of semiotic process, typical for interpretation of borrowed words — from sign to it’s meaning, from signifiant to signifie is shown. Different ways of assimilation of "alien" cultural experience in the consciousness of a target language are described.

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Language features of Bertha von Suttner's autobiography, «Lebenserinnerungen», in gender studies


The article deals with the manifestation of the gender aspect in the auto-biography "Lebenserinnerungen" by the Austrian writer Bertha von Suttner (XIX-XX c. с.). The analysis is performed on the example of the lexical-semantic category "The Feminine" which is implemented in the text in reference to lexical-semantic subcategories in explicit and implicit ways. The main language markers of the lexical-semantic subcategory "I am a woman" representing the explicit way of realization of "The Feminine" are self-nominations indicating the female sex. The implicit way presented by four lexical-semantic subcategories is characterized by functioning words whose referential relationship to "The Feminine" is established on the basis of logical and associative connections.

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Representation of the conceptual and value components in the concepts HOME and HOME / HOUSE in advertising discourse


The article describes the representation of the categorial and axiological com¬ponents of the concept ДОМ and HOME / HOUSE in advertising dis-course. The analysis is based on the examples of modern Russian and British advertise¬ments. The article points out a number of generic peculiarities of the explication of the concept caused by the characteristics of advertising dis-course.

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Features of an addressee as an element of communicative interaction in social media


Based on «VKontakte», «YouTube», «Facebook» social media services, this article considers the main features of the reciever as a structural element of the communicative interaction comparing to the standard media.

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Historical and linguistic analysis of the Kaliningrad regional oronimics


The article distinguishes the specificity of the renaming of different land forms. The renaming was carried out after the former East Prussia had become part of the Soviet Union. The article has a special focus on describing minor errors, comparison of the original oronyms with the new ones, and eliciting the ways of coordination between them.

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