Ekaterinburg — Sverdlovsk — Ekaterinburg: the city image in the dynamics of a toponymic text
... in verbal data — topographic names. The author bases the research upon the ideas of the cultural-semiotic approach to city studies, upon the conception of a city as a text and palimpsest and sets the goal of investigating semantic changes in the toponymic text of Ekaterinburg examined in its historical dynamics. The main stages of modification of the Ural city toponymic image are characterized via the metaconcept of chronotopos. As a tool of linguocultural analysis per se, generalised onomasiological,...
Toponyms as a convolutional cultural linguistic code
This article considers the coding of linguistic and extralinguistic infor-mation contained in a special class of proper names, namely, toponyms. The article presents new data on the development of the “Toponymy of Russia” information system. Based on the entries relating to Smolensk geographical place names, the author demonstrates the abilities of the electronic resource. The article ...
Field Arrangement of Toponymic Lexemes in Regional Language
The article considers the development of regional toponymic lexicon on the basis of the Volgograd region geographical names. The author offers the field approach to characterising functional and semantic unity of linguistic units on various synchronic snapshots of the end of the 20th — beginning of ...
The Rоs names of the Dnieper rapids of the Ros origin and the toponymy of South-Eastern Baltic
This article delves into the etymology of the names of the Dnieper rapids of the Ros origin mentioned by Constantine Porphyrogennetos. The author reveals the similarity between these names and the Baltic toponymy.
Александравичюс Ю.
Литовский язык. Вильнюс, 1984.
Барсуков Н
. Жизнь и труды М.
П. Погодина. СПб., 1903. Кн. 17.
Брайчевский М.
«Русские» названия порогов у Константина Багрянородно-
го // Земли южной Руси в IX-XIV вв. (история и археология). Киев, 1985...
German place names in the Kaliningrad region: the commemorative aspect
... settlements in the Kaliningrad region. The place names often reflect highly important historical events or are the names of outstanding people. Old German place names were changed in the 1940s of the 20th century. The author highlights the semantics of the toponymic units and the ways of their correlation.
1. Басик С. Н. Общая топонимика. Минск, 2006.
2. Иванова И. Г., Загайнова Е. И. Национально-культурные особенности мемориальных ...
The renaming campaign in Warmia and Masuria after World War II
Using documents, the press, and studies of Polish scholars, this article analyses the problem of changing German toponyms during the remaining campaign in Warmia and Masuria in the early postwar years. The historical background, conditions, and principles of renaming settlements, natural objects, streets, and squares are identified and the practical problems of ...
Spatiotemporal features of the regional nature management basing upon toponymic data
The article explores the application of toponymic data for the investigation of spatiotemporal features of regional nature management
The article provides some results obtained through the formant method (on the example of Altai).
Манаков А.
На стыке цивилизаций: ...
Workers’ settlements in the Kaliningrad region and their subsequent renaming in 1946—1947
... toponymy changed completely. The author analyses the documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archives of Socio- Political History, and the State Archive of the Kaliningrad Region to trace the Russianisation of German toponyms. The decision to establish workers’ settlements in the Kaliningrad region was discussed in September 1946 — July 1947. Local authorities sought to create more settlements of the kind. However, the RSFSR leadership insisted on the establishment ...
Microtoponym of the Smolensk-Belarusian border region (Rudnyansky district)
The features of toponymy in the Smolensk-Belarusian borderland are examined based on microtoponyms and unofficial toponyms in the Rudnya district of the Smolensk region. The material obtained through a survey of local residents is analyzed from various perspectives using selected classifications (based on nomination objects, lexical-semantic classes, structural ...
Semantics of abionims in S. Snegov’s novel “People as Gods”
... and aesthetic function and at the same time endow the novel with additional deep meanings that contribute to a more holistic perception of artistic reality.
Rozhin V.O.
S. Snegov, science fiction, “People as Gods”, onomastics, artistic space, toponyms, abionyms
“I lived in Moscow, the capital of the world…”: Moscow in the poetic geography of Alexander Galich
The author considers a lengthy program of research (that will be continued in a series of articles) on the artistic geography (geopoetics) of Alexander Galich, one of the brightest representatives of the author’s (bard’s) song of the 1960s—1970s. The construction of Galich poetic world actualizes the opposition of the center / periphery, while Moscow (or another capital replacing it) acts as the frequency expression of the structural center, and the periphery can be represented as a) the Russian...
Cultural codes in the toponymy of the Roslaval district of the Smolensk region
In the framework of cultural linguistics, this article explores the informational field of proper names, specifically, toponyms. The study focuses on oeconyms, in particular, the official names of villages in one of the Smolensk region’s most important districts – Roslavl. A total of 314 names were analysed to describe relevant cultural codes, which are based on ...
Historical and linguistic analysis of the Kaliningrad regional oronimics
... Вестник гуманитарного научного образования. 2012. № 6. С. 23—25.
2. Решение Облисполкома № 560 от 31.12.1947 г. // ГАКО. Ф. Р-297. Оп. 1. Д. 23.
Peteshova O. V.
renaiming, toponym, oronym, East Prussia, coordination of topo¬nyms
On the toponymic purism in North-East Prussia in the first half of the 20th century
... http://ostpreussen.kulomzin.ru (дата обращения: 16.07.2013).
6. Карты Пруссии после переименования 1938 года. URL: http://www.posselt-landkarten.de (дата обращения: 16.07.2013).
Peteshova O.
renaming, toponym, purism, Germanisation, East Prussia, National socialism.
The image of river in A. Ivanov’s novel The gold of revolt: the linguistic aspect
... 1995.
Подлесных А.
. Геопоэтика Алексея Иванова в контексте прозы об Урале: дис. …канд. филол. наук. Пермь, 2008.
Karnaukhova O.A.
lingvostylistics, river, toponym, nomination, space, archetype
The renaming of district centres in the Kaliningrad region in 1946
The preparation of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 7, 1946 on renaming the district centers of the Kaliningrad region is analysed based on documents of federal archives. Principles behind giving Soviet names to former German towns were changed several times in the process. At different stages, new names were given in view of the former Russian, Polish, or Lithuanian name, a town’s geographical position, Russian and Soviet military history, and communist...
Problems of transliteration and translation of Kazakh geographical names
The article addresses the challenges associated with standardizing and unifying the spelling of toponyms in Kazakhstan. The authors conduct an analysis of the linguistic variability of toponyms, exploring methods for their transcription into Kazakh, Russian, and English languages. The study's findings reveal that a majority of the country's ...
Polynominativity of geographical objects in the linguocultural context
... Yuzhnogo Federal'nogo universiteta. Filologicheskie nauki [Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology], 1, pp. 83—90,
(in Russ.).
Agapkina, T. A., Berezovich, E. L. and Surikova, O. D., 2018a. Toponyms in the charms of the Russian North. I: seas and rivers. Voprosy onomastiki [Problems of onomastics], 15 (1), pp. 65—114,
(in Russ.).
Agapkina, T. A., Berezovich, E. L. and Surikova, O. D.,...
Extralinguistic factors of city renaming in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic
... USSR dated January 9, 1957]. Available at:
[Accessed 27 October 2022] (in Russ.).
Pospelov, E. M., 2001.
Geograficheskie nazvaniya mira: Toponimicheskii slovar’
[Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary]. Moscow (in Russ.).
Potto, V. A., 2014.
Kavkazskaya voina v otdel'nykh ocherkakh, epizodakh, legendakh i bio
fiyakh. Tom 1. Ot drevneishikh vremen do Ermolova
[Caucasian war in separate essays, episodes, legends and biographies....