IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2015 Issue №11

Social attitudes as a factor of delinquent behaviour in the underage


This article analyses the correlation between attitudes and social beha-viour and such factors as the strength/weakness and clarity/ambivalence of an attitude and the situation factor. The author considers the results of empirical studies into value orientations and moral and psychological attitudes based on samples of senior year school students and university students. The article studies correlation between social attitudes and asocial behaviour in children and adolescents. The influence of structural and psychological family deforma¬tion on asocial behaviour is discussed. It is stressed that, in identifying asocial behaviour of the underage, prio-rity is given to the psychosocial deformation of the family. A lack of supervi-sion is a more important delinquency factor than an adverse socioeconomic situation. It is emphasised that the mother plays the central role in the system of re-lationships of children and adolescents. A decrease in positive attitude to the mother and an increase in the number of negative descriptors when speaking of her is correlated with growing negativisation of all social relationships of a personality. It is stressed that parent-child relationships characterised by inconsis-tence and propensity to conflict contribute to the development of aggression in a child as a means to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

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Problems of preparedness of students’ parents for inclusive education


The preparedness of parents of children with and without special needs for inclusive education is problematized in view of the competence aspects of a teacher’s inclusive preparedness. The notion of co-preparedness of a diverse group of parents within a poly-subject educational space is defined. The article presents results of empirical research on the preparedness of parents of chil¬dren with and without special needs for inclusive education in the Republic of Belarus. General problems of preparedness of a group of parents for inclusive education, as well as specific problems of preparedness of each subgroup, are identified and formulated.

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Cyberbullying, a new threat to adolescents’ personal security


This article focuses on the issue of psychological violence among adoles-cents, in particular, on the problem of bullying. A new threat to psychological security of teenagers – cyberbullying – is identified. The authors believe that, going through fundamental personality transformations, adolescents are espe-cially vulnerable to psychological violence. The article analyses the notions of ‘bullying’ and ‘cyberbullying’ and identifies the features of the latter necessi-tating new cyberbullying prevention measures.

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Helping relationships and diagnostics of attachment: A psychometric revision of the IPPA questionnaire


This article analyses the main psychodiagnostic tools of attachment as-sessment. The most popular tools include the "Strange situation", "Strange situation for preschool children", and "End of story" techniques, Kerns’ scale, and Burmenskaya and Pupyreva’s questionnaire "Assessment of attachment to the mother". The authors emphasize the difficulties of using these tech¬niques in studying attachment in adolescents and adults and describe the main results of psychometric revision of the Inventory of Parent and Peer At¬tachment (IPPA, G. Armsden, M. Greenberg) based on a Russian-speaking sample.

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The effect of family relations on a child’s preparedness to study at school


A child’s psychological preparedness to study systematically has a strong effect on academic performance, whereas family relationships largely affect a child’s psychological development. This article focuses on the impact of family relationships on the development of psychological maturity indicators. The empirical study used special methods for assessing the development of key in-dicators of a child’s psychological maturity and identifying the degree of fa-vourability /unfavourability of family environment. It is shown that children brought up in predominantly favourable environment surpass their peers in preparedness for systematic studies. As to practical application, this study makes it possible for teachers of preschool educational institutions to further differentiate correctional activities.

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Preparedness of social workers to manage social facilitation


This article presents the findings of a study into the practices of special-ists of the Centre for Social Assistance to Families and Children and student volunteers from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University aimed at man-aging a special area of social activity of the Centre’s clients, namely, social as-sistance. The authors identify management connections and problems, as well as prospect for inter-institutional cooperation in the field.

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