IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2015 Issue №2

The functional significance of modal evaluative component in the concept structure: The case of M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita


This article analyses connections between modality and concept. The au-thor explains the way modal meanings are connected to concepts, stresses the functional value of modal meanings for concept structure, and considers the structure of concept, its nuclear, and interpretation field. The concept of «duty» in the context of a literary text is used to prove the modal background of the concept.

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Imperative modality as a mechanism of creating universal human values (based on Russian and English translations of biblical idioms)


This article considers different types of imperative modality and the ways their meanings are manifested in the semantic structure of biblical idioms. It is assumed that, in biblical idioms, the formation of universal human values is based on the imperative modality represented by suggestives, requestives, and prescriptives.

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Elements of science fiction in the French postmodernist discourse: The case of B. Werber’s novel The Thanatonauts


This article presents an interdisciplinary study on text linguistics, lingu-o¬poetics, and narratology. It addresses the problems of modern science fiction discourse and analyses the ideas of the leading theorists of postmodernism — J.-F. Lyotard and J. Derrida — as well as those of scholars focusing on the sci-ence fiction discourse — T. Todorov and R. Lachmann. The practical material of the study is the works of the modern French postmodernist author Bernard Werber.

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Semantic opposition as a means to explicate bipolar disorder in Stephen Fry’s autobiography Moab Is My Washpot


This article analyses the semantic oppositions essential for describing Stephen Fry’s bipolar affective disorder in his autobiography. This opposition is based on the ontological fragmentation of personality into the young I nar-rative and the mature I narrator. It is established that these oppositions are both intrapersonal and interpersonal and are manifested through relevant lin-guistic stylistic devices

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The linguistic and stylistic means of expressing identity in com¬plimentary phrases (based on modern English, American, and Russian fiction)


This article identifies and analyses the linguistic features of the genera-tion and perception of complimentary phrases in different age groups belon-ging to English, American, and Russian cultures. The language of representatives of different age groups is dissimilar, therefore, there is a need to consider the effect of age parameters on language.

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The features of using manipulative techniques to influence public opinion (based on the materials of the US presidential campaign of 2012)


This article considers manipulative techniques used by US presidential candidates B. Obama and R. Romney in the 2012 election campaign. Language manipulation is presented as one of the major components of persuasion which guarantees the successful implementation of the intended goal. The main goal of the candidate’s election campaign is to win the election. The results of a comparative analysis of manipulative techniques used by the presi-dential candidates are presented in the article.

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