IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2015 Issue №5

An empirical study of trust between the agents of educational space in Russia and Poland


This work focuses on trust between the agents of educational space at Ka-liningrad school No. 32 and the Gdansk Gedanensis School. The authors identify the patterns of assessing students trust in teachers at all stages of school education. The article analyses the level of adolescents’ trust in teachers and parents at the Kaliningrad and Polish schools. The features of assessing the Polish and Russian teachers’ trust in students and parents are identified. The authors examine the students’ and teachers’ ideas of trust placed in them by other people

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The development of cultural competency in pedagogy


The overall cultural competency is considered in relation to the concepts of culture, education, and competency and presented as an achievable result of the application of an educational technology. It is maintained that, in the language education, the latter is aimed at forming of communicative, cognitive, language and speech competencies as variations of overall cultural competency and the underlying communication culture, cognition culture, language culture, and speech culture.

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The project method in multicultural education: Polish practices


This article analyses the results of an international project aimed at fa-miliarizing Kaliningrad teachers with the Polish multicultural education practices. The author stresses the potential of a number of methods and tech-niques, including the project method. The article addresses the teachers’ pre-paredness for multicultural and intercultural education. The author analyses the applicability of the European – in particular, Polish, practices – in the Ka-liningrad region.

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Informal educational practices in the local communities of a metropolis: The untapped potential for a dialogue between generations


Based on an analysis of the cultural trends and innovations in the Rus-sian system of lifelong learning, the author justifies the viability of one the vectors of development of nonformal education. The article stresses the consol-idating potential of nonformal mixed-age education at the level of local com-munities of a modern metropolis. The author emphasises the need to support their development to promote cultural continuity and create conditions for the personal development of different generations.

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A model for involving the expert community in implementing the educational policy: The case of a major educational programme


This article presents a general model of involving the research, educa-tional, and other expert communities in implementing the state educational policy. The authors consider the organization of public and expert discussion of sample primary and secondary education programmes. The model describes the nonlinear space of expert interaction, including the key processes, forms, and results thereof.

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Non-degree training of students under the new legislation on education, youth policy, and culture


This article considers the requirements for non-degree education of stu-dents contained in the current legislation regulating the activities of profes-sional education institutions. Based on the legislative provisions, the authors outline a system of modern non-degree education of students.

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Features of the development of an individual educational trajectory in the framework of cluster approach


This paper is devoted to the problems of contemporary Russian education system and solutions to them. The best way to respond to these challenges is the introduction of cluster approach into the education system. This work analyses the organization of interaction between the agents of educational process in the framework of traditional and cluster approach. It is stressed that cluster approach to organizing the training of specialists in mechanical engi¬neering can solve most urgent problems. The author identifies the features of and makes recommendations for the development of an individual educational trajectory.

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