IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2013 Issue №8

The woman as seen by a man in modern Russian chanson


This article reconstructs the image of a woman as presented in Russian modern chanson. The author identifies two female images – the mother and the lover. The image of the mother has hardly changed over the last seventy years. The image of the lover has inversed: earlier, she played with the man, now she is his plaything. Female images are analysed from the perspective of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology.

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Rock culture and Dyonisianism


Modern literary studies in rock culture, having accumulated minimum of empirical material necessary for its generalization and conceptualization, are faced with the problem of both selecting and developing the basic categories and systematizing approaches to studying rock culture. One of the most efficient and popular approaches is the mythopoetic approach. It serves as a framework for the search for the common ground between the mythological intentions of different rock authors. The article interprets the Dionysian as such ground – a mythological complex and aesthetic category bordering on the category of the sublime.

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The “rough style” of Vladimir Vysotsky: Problem statement


V. Vysotsky’s poetry is typologically close to the principles of the “rough style” Soviet painting of the 1960s. The author outlines the promising areas of comparative analysis and addresses the issue of typological similarities between different texts within the field of a common cultural and historical situation of the Khrushchev era.

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