Poland in “The Ballad about Eternal Flame” by Alexander Galich
“The Ballad about Eternal Flame” (1968) was a remake of an earlier “Song about Hard Currency” (1966). Both songs are connected with Poland, though their titles do not immediately imply it. This article analyses the sources of the 'Polish' theme in the ...
Rock culture and Dyonisianism
... 1987.
19. Манн Т. Доктор Фаустус. М., 1959.
20. Splean.ru : [офицальный сайт группы «Сплин:]. URL: www.splean.ru/music (дата обращения: 11.05.2013).
Kumichev I., Gilmanov V.
rock music, ballad, the Dionysian, myth, culture