IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2012 Issue №5

The essence of the aesthetical education of a child from the perspective of modern psychology


This article analyses the role of aesthetic education in the personality de-velopment of a child. The author emphasizes the importance of aesthetic edu-cation as an imprescriptible part of educational system in the conditions of modern culture. Special attention is given to the methodological problem of understanding the category of the “aesthetic” in the context of practical work on early aesthetic development in modern art education.

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Modeling of dynamics of distribution of attention in protses-sah a goal-setting


The role and mechanism of focusing attention in the process of formulating objectives by people are considered. A connection has been shown between the development of emotional experience, keenness of attention and the value containing the excitation zone stimulus. A mathematical model was devised and tested. The model determines changes in keenness of attention depending on the intensity of emotions and the distance between the stimulus and the current point in the space of mental images. The model is based on the application of the Gaussian function together with the law of emesis intensity changes.

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Social support as a factor of overcoming the negative consequence of stress


This article describes the models of relation between social support and stress. The author quotes the results of international empirical research em-phasising the obvious and contradictory nature of the “stress-buffering” and “main effect” models. The article offers a typology of factors of determining the implementation of healthcare functions of social support.

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The models and focuses of pscyhoeducation in medical practice


This article describes the basic models, goals and focuses of psychoeducation in the practice of treatment and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The identification of these components of pscyhoeducation will help introduce effective psychoeducation programmers into the practice of treatment and re-habilitation of people with disabilities.

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