Modeling of dynamics of distribution of attention in protses-sah a goal-setting
... role and mechanism of focusing attention in the process of formulating objectives by people are considered. A connection has been shown between the development of emotional experience, keenness of attention and the value containing the excitation zone stimulus. A mathematical model was devised and tested. The model determines changes in keenness of attention depending on the intensity of emotions and the distance between the stimulus and the current point in the space of mental images. The model is ...
The phased elements of the motivation process as a theoretical framework for the determination of students’ professional motivation ation
... офицеров — воспитателей в инженерном вузе: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. СПб., 2005.
Zaitseva O. I.
types of motives for academic activity, academic activity, phases of academic activity, stimulus,
need, impetus, motive, goal, activity, mental condition, students’ professional motivation.