IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2009 Issue №5

Individual and typological features of female convicts


The article is dedicated to research on individual and typological features of female convicts. Mentally-deviated and drug-addicted female convicts participated in the study as respondents. The results obtained allow speaking about the similarity of individual and typological characteristics of mentallydeviated and drug-addicted female convicts, which should be taken in account in psychic treatment in penal colonies.

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“Ancient history” course as basis for acquisition of basic cultural, historic, moral and spiritual traditions of one’s country


The article reveals the potential of the “Ancient History” academic course in getting acquainted with national history and culture that originated in biblical tradition. The author justifies the necessity of studying biblical history, using the results of harmonization of the Bible and contemporary scientific research.The Bible is considered as an important historical source.

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On question of formation primary school children’s aesthetic culture


The article deals with practical and theoretical questions of modern education, conducts search for new forms, methods, means and regularities of aesthetic culture of school children. The author considers the formation of primary school children aesthetic culture by means of choreography and the attitude of parents and teachers to this process.

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