IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №8

Author's modality as a text forming category (posing the problem)


This article considers the contentious issue of author's modality as one of the central categories of a text. The authors state their position on the structural-functional correlation of author's modality, subjective modality and axiological modality and define the features of the intracategorial relations of author's modality.

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The modal organisation of a scientific text: dialogic markers in Russian orthographical treatises of the 16th century


The characteristic features of the modal structure of the texts that signified the initial stage of the formation of scientific style in Russian language are assessed on the basis of Russian orthographical treatises of the 16th century. The author advocates the interpretation of dialogic markers as representatives of communicative-pragmatic modality.

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Subjective modality in the newspaper texts of the 18th century


This article analyses the means of modality conveying the attitude of the author to the content of articles on the basis of “Vedomosti”, “St. Petersburg Vedomosti”, and “Moskovskiye Vedomosti” newspapers. The author determines the set of modal explicators, the content and expression planes of the given modal fragment and qualifies the "modal background" of the publications in the framework of the characteristic features of the first newspapers of the period of the development of Russian periodicals.

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The functioning of nuclear explicators of the modal meaning of necessity in the novel "Resurrection" by Leo Tolstoy and its translation in Polish


This article deals with the nuclear explicators of the necessity micro-field — a micro-field of the situational modality – in the original and the Polish translation of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel "Resurrection". The authors establish the functional-semantic hierarchy of corresponding modal modifiers and determine general, typological, and intra-lingual features in the functioning of the modal means examined.

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The functioning of utterances conveying the modal meaning of possibility in the texts of television commercials


This article considers the characteristic features of utterances conveying the modal meaning of possibility that forms the field of situational modality in the texts of television commercials. The author makes an attempt to classify speech situations from the perspective of the bearer of the possibility property and examines the functioning features of the semantic variants of the verb мочь.

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