IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №2

The problems of colloquial and dialect speech translation of short stories by Günter Grass


The author studies translation of lexical and phonetic colloquial and dialect specific speech features in the works of modern German writer Günter Grass. The author analyses the methods of fiction literature translation, which have been used for translation from Danzig dialect into Russian.

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Remembering factor and its function in the shaping of the fiction picture of the world in the texts of Austrian modernism writers (using the works of A. Schnitzler)


The article deals with the phenomenon of remembering and its place in fiction picture of the world of Austrian modernism. Special attention is paid to remembering of childhood comprehended of modernists as negative live experience.

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Cognitive and linguistic aspects of forming of event-driven concepts


The term event-driven concept is analyzed in the dynamic process of its tructuring in a recipient's consciousness; the functional semantico-syntactical frame of event-driven concepts with various categorial functional relations between the participants of corresponding events is shown and the linguodidactic aspect of the use of even-driven concept derivation theory for concepts of event-driven nature is demonstrated.

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Basic notes of the conception of the German-Russian dictionary of neologisms


The article contains some conceptual considerations about structure and contents of the German-Russian dictionary of neologisms, which is positioned by authors as the specialised bilingual dictionary of passive type for the Russianspeaking user and has to supplement the existing general German-Russian dictionaries.

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