The problems of colloquial and dialect speech translation of short stories by Günter Grass
The author studies translation of lexical and phonetic colloquial and dialect specific speech features in the works of modern German writer Günter Grass. The author analyses the methods of fiction literature translation, which have been used for translation from Danzig dialect into Russian.
Девкин В.
The development of everyday language in the German-speaking countries in the framework of the sociolinguistic concept of language evolution
... Zwischen Standardnorm und Intim-Variante //International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 1990. Bd. 93. S. 83—103.
Kopchuk L.
language evolution, trends, language antinomy, everyday spoken discourse, colloquial language, standard language, dialects.
The problem of research on the material culture vocabulary in the dialects of the Volgograd region
This article considers approaches to the analysis of material culture vocabulary used in scientific literature and overviews the dialects of the Volgograd region. The author addresses the principles and methods of analysing the folk-craft vocabulary of different secondary dialects on the basis of data obtained from filed studies in the settlements of the region.
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