IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2019 Issue №2

Physical foundations of liver elastography


The problem we address in this paper is how the meanings of terms de­noting various liver elastography methods are understood when translated in­to Russian. We provide an overview of various elastography methods and their physical principles in order to give a better understand specific terms. The goal of this paper is to propose a glossary of elastography terms for dis­cussion by the professional community while relying on the physical princi­ples of ultrasonic methods for determining the rigidity of the liver.

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The indicators of the quality of life in patients with a terminal stage of chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis


In this article, we present an assessment of the quality of life in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease, receiving replacement therapy by he­modialysis. We give definitions of hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, the mental component of health, and the physical component of health. The aim of this work is to evaluate the quality of life indicators in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease, undergoing hemodialysis. The objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the quality of life indicators on the one hand and the nutritional status and the duration of hemodialysis on the other. We present the current KDQOL-SF questionnaire tailored for assessing the quality of life indicators in patients with chronic kidney disease. The nutri­tional status of the patients was assessed using clinical data: the body mass index, the skin and fat folds over triceps, the shoulder muscle circumference, the albumin laboratory values,​​and the absolute number of lymphocytes in 20 patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease. All of them were receiving treatment in the dialysis department of the Kaliningrad Regional Hospital. In conclusion, we establish the relationship between the quality of life in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease, receiving hemodialysis, and the dura­tion of treatment by hemodialysis.

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