Liver elastography techniques and the problems of Russian terminology
... elastogrgraphy to be included in the guidelines of the Russian Association of Experts of Ultrasonic Diagnostics in Medicine, similar to those provided by the EFSUMB.
1. Dietrich C. F., Barr R. G., Farrokh A. et al. Strain Elastography — How To Do It? //
Ultrasound Int Open.
2017. Vol. 3 (4). P. 137—149. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-119412.
2. Dietrich C. F., Sirli R., Ferraioli G. et al. Current Knowledge in Ultrasound-Based Liver Elastography of Pediatric Patients // Appl. Sci. 2018. № 8. P. 944—965. ...
Assessment of hepatic volume ex vivo by the formulas of the ultrasound volumetry
... proposed for ultrasonic volumetry. The study was carried out on 70 corpses of humans who died of various diseases and examined in the "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Kaliningrad Region". To measure the liver volume, the most common ultrasound study formulas were used: M. Zoli et al. (1989), D. Glenn et al. (1994), D. Elstein et al. (1997), M. Patlas et al. (2001) and J.T. Childs et al. (2014, 2016). The average weight of the liver according to the results of postmortem weighing ...
Physical foundations of liver elastography
... Imaging: a new technique for soft tissue elasticity mapping // IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2004. Vol. 51 (4). P. 396—409.
T., Nightingale K. R., Palmeri M. L. et al. WFUMB guidelines and recommendations for clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and terminology // Ultrasound in Med Biol. 2015. Vol. 41 (5). P. 1126—1147. doi: 10.1016/ j.ultrasmedbio.2015.03.009.
Гурбатов С. Н., Демин И. Ю., Прончатов-Рубцов Н....
Measurement of liver volume using imaging techniques of various modalities
... size of a normal liver. Accurate non-invasive assessment of liver volume of the individual can be performed using imaging techniques. This article describes methods to measure the liver volume using imaging techniques of various modalities (CT, MRI, ultrasound). Ultrasonography is a simple, affordable and reliable tool for the structure and size of the liver estimates using formulas for calculating the volume of the liver.
1. Блок Б. УЗИ внутренних органов / пер. с нем....
The ultrasound volumetry: selecting optimal formula based on linear liver dimensions (ex vivo study)
... D., Schuler A., MucheR. et al. Comparison of Panorama Ultrasonography, Conventional B-Mode Ultrasonography, and Computed Tomography for Measuring Liver Size // Ultrashall in Med. 2010. Vol. 31. P. 31—36.
10. Childs J. T., Esterman A., Thoirs K. A. Ultrasound measurements of the liver: an intra and inter-rater reliability study // Australian journal of ultrasound in medicine. 2014. Vol. 17, № 3. P. 113—119.
11. Childs J. T., Esterman A. J., Phillips M. et al. Methods of determining the size ...
KANET: application in ultrasonography and challenges of protocoling
... Neurosonography in the second half of fetal life: a neonatologist point of view //J. Perinatal Med. 2006. Vol. 34. P. 437—446.
9. Antsaklis P., Kurjak A., Izetbegovic S. Functional test for fetal brain: the role of KANET test // Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013. Vol. 7(4). P. 385—399.
10. Vries J. I. P. de, Visser G. H. A., Prechtl H. F. R. The emergence of fetal behavior. Qualitative aspects //Early Hum Dev. 1982. Vol. 7. P. 301—308.
11. Ferrari F., Cioni G....
Estimating the accuracy of standard volume calculations using liver volumetry
... the liver (the oblique vertical size of the right lobe, the thickness of the right lobe, and the thickness of the left lobe). JT Childs’s formula was chosen as producing the most accurate results and as the most adequate for the use by a practicing ultrasound specialist. The deviation percentage of results obtained using the other formulas was calculated in relation to Childs’s formula. It is concluded that the most accurate formula for calculating the standard volume of the liver is that proposed ...
The ulrasonographic semiotics of diffuse liver disease: Verification using the point shear-wave elastography
This article estimates the severity of ultrasonographic changes in the liver at different stages of fibrosis. Sixty-three patients underwent B-mode ultrasound scanning of the spleen and the liver and ARFI-elastography of the liver. Elastography measured the shear wave speed from the 9th, 8th, and 7th intercostal spaces in the anterior axillary line at a depth of 6.0 cm from the skin surface. It was ...
Modern aspects of diagnostics of compressional neuropathy of the median nerve in the carpal canal
The article focuses on the examples of modern diagnostics of compression neuropathy of the median nerve in the carpal canal, because currently the unanimous assessment of the results during ultrasound and ENMG seems to be problematic. The purpose of the work is to propose a standard for the most effective algorithm for diagnosing patients with CCS. The study was performed on 98 patients examined in the Kaliningrad regional clinical hospital,...
ARFI-elastometry of the liver in healthy volunteers: standardization of methods
.... 2013. № 6. С. 46—54.
3. Donofrio M., Crosara S. Acoustic radiation force impulse of the liver // Gastroenterol. 2013. August 14. Р. 19(30).
4. Ferraoli G., Filice C., Castera L. et al. WFUMB guidelines and recommendations for clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 3: Liver // Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 2015. Vol. 41, N 5. P. 1161—1179.
Izranov V., Martinovich M., Stepanyan I.
ultrasound elastometry, ARFI- elastometry of the liver
Results of surgical treatment of obstructive uropathies in children depending on the level and degree of obstruction
... obstructive ureterohydronephrosis — in 30, and refluxing ureterohydronephrosis in 26 patients. The transformation of the kidney and upper urinary tract in obstructive uropathy in children before and after surgical treatment was monitored with the help of ultrasound and X-ray methods. The results showed that in grade II urinary tract obstruction, the rate of good outcomes after reconstructive surgery was significantly higher than in grade III, regardless of the cause of the congenital obstruction. ...
Ultrasound elastometry of the spleen (review)
... and portal vein obstruction. A discussion to develop a consent opinion on the research methodology and normative values of spleen stiffness will certainly support the further study.
Morozov C. V., Izranov V. A.
spleen elastography, stiffness, ultrasound, measurement area, body mass index
Liver shear wave elastography: the problem of accuracy and reproducibility
... factors depending on the patient (body mass index, gender, respiration, etc.); finding out the reproducibility of liver stiffness measurements in SWE, depending on the skills of the operator, the minimal measurements, the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound. The most important factors affecting the results of liver stiffness measurements include using SWE method, the diagnostic equipment and the sensors, the measurement depth and acoustic access; the reliability of various SWE methods is approximately ...
Diagnostic criteria for splenomegaly (review)
... certain value of the length, volume of an organ, the area of its transverse section) to formulas that take into account the anthropometric characteristics of patients (gender, height).
Morozov S.V., Izranov V.A., Kazantseva N.V.
spleen, size, volume, ultrasound, computed tomography