IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

Author guide

Manuscript submission checklist

When sending in a manuscript to the editorial office, authors should ensure that their submission meets all of the following criteria:

- the work has not been previously published in another journal;

- the manuscript is not under review by another journal;

- references are provided with full internet addresses (URLs) and DOI links where possible;

- all co-authors have approved the text of the manuscript and agree to its publication in the journal;

- the author(s) has(ve) read and accepted the terms of the licensing agreement – the public offer regarding the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the licensed work;

- a scanned consent form for processing personal data, completed by each author individually, has been signed and is to be uploaded as an additional file with the manuscript;

- the manuscript file is submitted in Microsoft Word document format (DOCX or DOC), RTF or ODT and meets the journal’s requirements specified in the Author Guidelines.

1. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, the author confirms that the paper has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration by another journal. All co-authors should approve the manuscript and consent to publication in the Vestnik of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences.

 Any breach of these principles may lead to manuscript withdrawal. If these principles are violated after the manuscript has been published, the editors have the right to withdraw the said work from the journal.

2. All submissions will be checked for plagiarism and undergo external and internal peer review, after which the final decision about publication will be made.

3. Any work submitted, relevant and novel, must include problem setting, the author’s findings and conclusions. It should follow the rules of the formatting guide.

4. The recommended article length is about  20 thousand characters, spaces included.

5.  References should include 15 – 30 sources, no less than 50 per cent published within the last ten years in international periodicals and/or those reviewed by Russia’s Higher Attestation Commission.  Self-citation should not exceed 10 per cent of the list of references.

6. Articles are submitted online. The authors should register with IKBFU Press at journals.kantiana.ru and follow the instructions in the Submit an Article section.

7. The decision to accept or reject an article is made by the Editorial Board after the work has been reviewed and discussed.

8. Publication in the journal is free. There is no fee for the preparation of materials for publication.

9. An author can publish only one article per issue. 

10. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author, following notification by the editor-in-chief, should send to the address of the editorial office the signed original License agreement on granting the right to use the work, confirming that the manuscript has not been and will not be submitted to other journals and that the article has not been published elsewhere either in whole or in part. The author should also provide his or her written consent  to processing, distribution and cross-border transfer of personal data.


1. An article must contain the following structural elements:

1) Universal Decimal Classification index (UDC) closely corresponding to the topic of the article;

Useful links:

·         key UDC indexing principles;

·         multilingual UDC classes summary;

·         the online submission system provides authors with step-by-step instructions on how to create a UDC for an article submitted to the Editorial Board.

2) Title in Russian and English (up to 12 words);

3) Abstract in Russian and English (150-200 words), which includes:

  • introductory remarks about the topic of the article;
  • the aim and objectives of the research;
  • research methodology;
  • main findings;
  • conclusions. 

The abstract should not repeat the text of the article. No sentences taken from the article or the title can be used in the abstract. The abstract should not contain numbers, tables or footnotes.

4) Keywords in Russian and English (4-8 words);

5) The text of the publication should be structured according to the IMRAD principle. If it is impossible to follow the IMRAD structure, the article should be divided into thematic blocks.

6) references should be in Russian, according to GOST Р 7.0.5. — 2008 guidelines.

7) Information about the authors in Russian and English (name, patronymic, if any, and surname, academic degrees, titles, position, place of work: organisation, city, country, postal address, e-mail, ORCID);

8) information about the source language of a translated publication.