IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2012 Issue №7

The feature of soil mantle in Kaliningrad


This article focuses on the main trends of changing in the morphological properties of urban soils. It was established that urbiquasisoils of a predominant sandy-loam grain-size composition and neutral medium reaction prevail in the Kaliningrad soil mantle. Soddy-podzol, soddy-gley, and brown forest (cambisols) soils are found in some parks and suburban territories.

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The current condition of Kaliningrad landscape environment (methodology and basic results)


An original methodology for studying cultural landscapes and regenerative successions on territories of different genesis is used as a basis for a map of the current conditions of the landscapes of the Kaliningrad region. The authors come to a conclusion that shrinking socioeconomic space leads to an increase in the area of territories developing according to the natural scenario and exhibiting positive dynamics of regenerative succession.

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On the possibile contrinution of advection into the formation of CIL in the Baltic Sea


This article offers the results of an analysis of mean annual (1952—2005) data on the  temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea published by the Institute for Baltic Sea Research (Warnemünde, Germany). The data were averaged by months, one-degree quadrants, and 10 meter-thick layers. It was found that, throughout the year, 54 % of the minimum sea water temperatures in the intermediate layer are 0.01—0.1 °C lower than those at the surface of the same spot. It suggests the possibility of advection contributing to the formation of CIL in the Baltic Sea.

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