On the content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urbanised ecosystems
This article studies the quantitative content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urban ecosystems. It is shown that urban soils are heavily contaminated with zinc and lead with an at least threefold excess of the TLV. The concentration of copper, nickel, and cobalt is closer to the TLV. The authors emphasize that ...
On the heat reactor of desert soils and its roel in the formation of water reserves during summer
Experimental research helps explain the mechanism of formation of water reserves in the soils of desert phytocenoses. The author arrives at a conclusion about the development of seasonal heat reactor in deserts, which affects the processes of night water condensation in soils in summer.
1. Бобровская Н. И. Водный режим ...
Oxidized iron horizons in the drained soils of the Kaliningrad region
This article focuses on the morphology, content and formation conditions of different groups of iron horizontal neoformations in drained soils of agrolandscapes, namely, oxidized ochric horizons, hard layers (crusts), and ortsand. Fe, P, As, Ni are accumulated in neoformations.
1. Доклад о состоянии и использовании земель Калининградской ...
The feature of soil mantle in Kaliningrad
This article focuses on the main trends of changing in the morphological properties of urban soils. It was established that urbiquasisoils of a predominant sandy-loam grain-size composition and neutral medium reaction prevail in the Kaliningrad soil mantle. Soddy-podzol, soddy-gley, and brown forest (cambisols) soils are found in some parks and ...
On Characteristic of Soils in Kaliningrad Parks
The article examines the morphological structure, chemical and physical properties of soils in Kaliningrad city parks.
Анциферова О.
Почвенно-экологические условия в парках г. Калининграда // Лесной комплекс: состояние и перспективы ...
The impact of environmental factors on the distribution of Macoma balthica (Linnaeus 1758) and Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus 1758) in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea
... research on the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of two abundant bivalve species – Macoma balthica and Mytilus eduli – in the south-east of the Baltic Sea. First of all, the distribution of species was determined by the types of soils. The distribution of molluscs in deep-water sectors was limited by oxygen deficiency in near-bottom waters.
Гусев А.
Урбанович О.
Видовой состав и экологическая характеристика ...
Ferromanganese nodule neoformations in the soils of the western part of the Kaliningrad region
This article examines the concretionary neoformations in soils: hardpans, tubular concretions, ironstone. The results of an analysis of the morphologic properties and chemical composition of concretions are presented. Concretions were found in most regional soils. The preliminary diagnostic significance was ...