Settlement system of the Kaliningrad region: dasymetric analysis
The article examines the settlement system of the Kaliningrad region using the dasymetric method, first proposed in the early 20th century by the Russian geographer V. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky as a more precise alternative to population density cartograms. Several dasymetric ...
Seasonal Larva Number Dynamics and Settlement of Juvenile Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) in the Prybrezhny Quarry (the Kaliningrad region)
... end of August. The peaks of abundance were registered in the middle of July and in the beginning of August. The larvae accounted for 33% of the total zooplankton abundance. The size of larvae varied from 100 to 375 μm. The beginning of the juvenile settlement was observed in July. Colony mud accumulation is considered having a negative effect on successful settlement and survival of juveniles.
Берникова Т.
Озера // Калининградская область: очерки ...
Population and settlement of the Kaliningrad region at the beginning of 2023
... population in 1947—2023 and the dynamics components in 1990—2022 in comparison with the national average (based on the official statistics). The authors reveal some territorial features of the demographic processes, such as the development of settlement polarization and suburbanization, as well as the fundamental geodemographic differences between the near suburban zone of Kaliningrad and less urbanized eastern municipalities. It is proposed to use the concept of the Unified Settlement System ...
Transformation of the settlement system in the Kaliningrad region
In the Kaliningrad region, as well as in other regions of Russia, the center-peripheral model of economic development directly affects the transformation of the regional settlement system. Over the past 10 years, the dynamics of the population in rural settlements of the region has been determined by agglomeration and transport-geographical factors. The analysis of changes in the population of 1,068 settlements in the ...
Spatial and dynamic approach in the study of rural settlement in the Pskov region from 1862 to 1926
The article applies the spatial-dynamic approach to carry out an analysis of the rural settlement in the Pskov region in the provincial time. The study covers the period from the middle of the XIX century up to 1926. The first general census of the Russian Empire (1897) has been chosen as an interim date for the analysis of dynamic processes....
Territorial differentiation of the rural population of the Kaliningrad region
... particular, they have a higher level of transport connectivity and a more developed infrastructure, compared with an average rural territory of Russia. The purpose of this article is to assess the degree of influence of agricultural development on the rural settlement process (the case of the southeastern part of the Kaliningrad region). The study examines the main economic and ekistical indicators of territory development including the indicators of the share of the rural population in the total regional ...
Workers’ settlements in the Kaliningrad region and their subsequent renaming in 1946—1947
... documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archives of Socio- Political History, and the State Archive of the Kaliningrad Region to trace the Russianisation of German toponyms. The decision to establish workers’ settlements in the Kaliningrad region was discussed in September 1946 — July 1947. Local authorities sought to create more settlements of the kind. However, the RSFSR leadership insisted on the establishment of one resort settlement and four workers’ ...
The role of small and semi-medium-sized towns in solving the problems of regional development
The article focuses on the problems related to the disparities in the settlement system of the Kaliningrad region, the problems of small and semi-mediumsized towns, and the role of such towns in solving the regional development problems of the Kaliningrad region. The author analyses the Lithuanian experience of revitalizing ...
Center-peripheral dimension of innovative security in the Western border regions of Russia (the case of the Rostov region)
... businesses of municipalities in the region with financial and information and communication services, supporting the entrepreneurial infrastructure and infrastructure of e-commerce. The focus is made on identifying differences between urban and rural settlements in terms of involvement in the innovation process. An assessment of the impact of agglomeration and coastal factors on the diffusion of innovations at the inter-municipal level is given: from the agglomeration center to the periphery ...