IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2012 Issue №7

The preservation of biodiversity of rare and endangered plant species in the Volgograd regional botanical garden


This article focuses on the activity of the Volgograd regional botanical garden aimed at the creation of a collection of rare and endangered species, introduction, and the development of measures for introduction of promising species into the culture. The authors emphasize the role of seed fund in introduction studies and gene pool preservation, as well as the efficiency of cloned microreproduction of rare species.

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The preservation of rare plant species in and in vitro genetic collection


Alongside the traditional ex situ plant conservation methods, the creation of gene banks in vitro is increasing in importance. The research and methodological framework for the creation and conservation of rare and valuable plant seed and meristem gene banks is being developed. In the creation of gene banks, special attention is paid to plant species representativeness and genetic stability preservation. Most of the plant material is stored in conditions of decelerated growth.

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The bological effects of thermal impact on plants


The biological parameters of environment, such as the period of phenological phenomena, tree-rings, and physiological reactions in plants react to external and internal changes in the conditions of growth that can be used as indicators of the environment, its condition and changes. This article identifies the differences in the thermodynamic reactions of trees growing in areas with different seismicity.

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