On the possibility to adopt the historical practice of applying technologies for land fertility increase in Eastern Prussia at agricultural enterprises of the Kaliningrad region
This article considers the features of East Prussian land use system, whose crucial component was technologies for land fertility increase. A special package of measures in the framework of melioration and irrigation activities accounted for the high productivity of agriculture in this territory despite the fact that the local climate conditions can hardly be called perfect ...
The biology and life cycle of mysids in the Kaliningrad maritime canal
The article considered the reproductive biology and life cycle of mysids inhabiting the Kaliningrad maritime canal. The author offers a comparative analysis of seasonal changes in gamic structure, the accretion and fertility of mysids.
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Высшие раки ...
The ontogenesis of Mysidacea Neomysis integer Leach, 1815 dependent on the water temperature in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
This article considers the impact of water temperature in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea on Mysidacea ontogenesis, as well as their maturity rate, female fertility, reproductionrate and average energy cost of reproduction.
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Р., Хозяйкин А.
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Current demographical processes in the Penza region
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3. Первышкин В.И. Мордва // Пензенская энциклопедия. Пенза, 2001.
Pronin Ye.
fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage rate, divorce rate, urbanization
The role of light factor in increasing field productivity
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sun, summer season sowing, green manure, fertility, ecological principle.