Baltic accent


" Baltic accent" is a theoretical philological journal published by the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The conceptual core of the journal is philology understood in its etymological sense as love to words. 

Words and language are omnipresent. They are instruments of communication and a fusion of meanings and discourses in their correlation with cultural and social contexts. Therefore, the journal discusses problems that require reference to philosophy, cognitive science and cultural studies. 

The main goal and objectives of the journal are to acquaint the reader with new concepts, ideas and methods, and reflect on the previously achieved results from new perspectives. The journal is an open platform for discussing the prospects and potential growth points of knowledge in social science and the humanities in the new paradigmatic dimensions of Russian and world science. 

The main research themes of the journal are communication, the dynamic processes of meaning construction and representation with regard to sociocultural, cognitive, semiotic, and other factors. Searching for research methods for investigating these phenomena is another field of interest.

The methodological basis of the journal strategy is the unique experience of Russian language studies and its significant contribution to world science. In recent years, "” has become the first, and so far the only journal focused on academic coverage of trans- and interdisciplinary social, linguistic, historical and cultural studies of the Russian language in the context of intensively developing trends and methods. In addition to regular multidisciplinary issues, there are theme issues devoted to current and resonant problems. 

The interdisciplinarity of the journal is particularly obvious in the Baltic vector of research. The journal draws attention to the insufficiently studied aspects of the Baltic Sea region as a unique space of age-old contacts and an ongoing dialogue between languages and cultures. 

Renowned Russian and international researchers - literary scholars, cultural historians, philosophers, political scientists and historians - have joined the editorial council and the editorial board of the journal. They specialize in Russian language studies or work in related fields of knowledge. In their research, they focus on the identification of interdisciplinary connections between language and culture.

The interdisciplinary approach makes it possible to explore the Russian language from a new perspective and identify new dimensions of research – the correlation between the Russian language studies and theoretical problems of culture, literature, history, philosophy, semiotics, cognitive science, political science, and communication theory.

“” is a platform of academic cooperation, uniting scientists from different countries, different fields of knowledge, academic schools and directions.

Particular attention is paid to the development of international cooperation between the academia of the Baltic region, as well as to the study of the topics, language and cultural codes of the dialogue between Russia and Europe.

One of the priority areas of the journal is the analysis of the socio-cultural mechanisms, which ensure the functioning of language as an integrator of the cultural and civilizational space and the conduit of meanings. The aim of the journal is the analysis of these mechanisms in the academic and scientific dialogue.

Indexing: Scopus (since 2021), Russian Science Citation Index on the Web of Science platform (since 2019), RSCI core.

In 2019, the journal was included in the list of VAK (the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) in six fields of science:

10.01.01 - Russian literature (philological sciences);

10.01.03 - Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (with the indication of a particular type of literature) (philological sciences);

10.01.08 - Theory of literature. Text studies (philological sciences);

10.02.01 - Russian Language (philological sciences);

10.02.19 - Theory of Language (philological sciences); 

10.02.20 - Comparative Studies;

10.02.20 - Comparative-Historical Typological and Comparative Linguistics (philological sciences)

Only original and previously unpublished articles are eligible for publication in the journal. When sending a manuscript to the Editorial Board, the author automatically undertakes the obligation not to publish the text in part or in full in any journal without the consent of the Editorial Board.

The journal permits authors to retain copyright without any limitations. When republishing materials the author undertakes to give a reference to the publication in the " Baltic accent".

The journal content has been licenced under CC BY license up until March 2025. 

From March 2025 the journal content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works CC-BY-NC-ND (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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The Editorial Board of the journal implements the policy of zero tolerance to plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are screened by plagiarism detection software.

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