Baltic accent

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Events and narration in socio-cultural practices



The article deals with the dynamic interaction of events and narratives. As a result of this interaction, stable links ‘events-narratives’ appear; they influence the formation and transformation of social and cultural processes in society. Event-narrative links form the basis of the system of norms and values of society. The corpus of ‘event-narrative’ links creates be­havioural patterns, serves as a motivator for members of society, a cause and reason for ac­tions and an initiator of terraced events that inevitably occur as a response to events in reali­ty. The emerging connections ‘event — narrative — action (special event)’ represent a system with a controlled feedback. Depending on a change in the factors of the occurrence and course of events, such a system can both enhance and reduce the result and consequences of events. In these systems, an event triggers social and cultural processes and creates social reality.


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