Baltic accent

2016 Vol. 7 №3

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The image of N. M. Karamzin in Russian poetry



There are virtually no specialized studies into the creation of poetic image of N. Karamzin in late 18th — early 19th centuries in Russian literature; though it is the expressiveness and imagery of poetry which can have a great impact on the myths in public consciousness. The present study is based on the texts published in the following collections of poems: “Epigrams and Satire: from the history of literary feud of the 19th century” (Epigramma i satira: iz istorii literaturnoy bor’by XIX veka. Moscow, 1931. Vol.1); “Russian epigrams of the second half of the 17th — early 20th centuries” (Russkaya epigramma vtoroy poloviny ХVII — nachala ХХ vv. Moscow, 1975); “A wreath to Karamzin” (“Venok Karamzinu”. Moscow, 1992). These are collections of epigrams and poems by N. Karamzin’s opponents (N. P. Nikolev, D. P. Gorchakov, P. I. Golenischev-Kutuzov, N. M. Shatrov, S. N. Marin) and his multiple idolaters and followers (G. R. Derzhavin, P. A. Vyazemskiy, I. I. Dmitriev, P. I. Shalikov, K. N. Batyushkov, V. A. Zhukovskiy, A. S. Pushkin, V. L. Pushkin, N. M. Yazykov, A. N. Maykov, F. I. Tyutchev). N. Karamzin is depicted in poetry as a Russian language reformer; the one who brought harmony into the ‘nature’ of Russian language; a discoverer, ‘Columbus’ of Russian history, in disregard for famous Russian historians before N. Karamzin; and a true Russian citizen. Ultimately, the history of image of N. Karamzin in Russian poetry shows his relevance at hard and critical times of country’s history when fundamental values and value orientations were strained, but human worth which N. Karamzin presented to the world the full took on particular significance.


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