Baltic accent

2015 Vol. 6 №4

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The motif of forgiveness in the Russian romantic poetry of the first third of the 19th century



This article considers works of two famous Russian poets of the first third of the 19th century. Both works depict the violation of the sixth commandment - ‘thou shalt not kill’. An axiological analysis of the plot and composition structure of both poems shows that the central problem is forgiving enemies – completely amoral persons that violate moral laws and do evil.


1. Гладков Б. И. Толкование Евангелия. СПб., 1913.
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3. Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка : в 4 т. М., 1955. T. 3.
4. Иноземцов П. Ссыльный: русская повесть. Харьков, 1833.
5. Козлов И. И. Чернец // Русская романтическая поэма. М., 1985.
6. Шанский Н. М., Иванов В. В., Шанская Т. В. Краткий этимологический словарь русского языка : пособие для учителя / под ред. С. Г. Бархударова. М., 1971.