Rhythm and Metaphor in the Art of the Icon
Using art history interpretation methods and the methods of historical cultural studies, the author demonstrates the role of rhythm and metaphor as the most expressive artistic means of icon painting. The interaction of rhythm and metaphor is an integral part of the imagery and semantics of icon painting. It is stressed that the entire theological and aesthetic image of icons,...
On the question of the syllabic system of versification: the poetic practice of Theophan Prokopovich
... epigrams, inscriptions, occasional poems, and humorous poem cycles. However, it is less metrically ordered compared to other types of syllabic verse and exhibits the greatest diversity in accent placement. It actively demonstrates the "inverted rhythm" described by A. P. Kvyatkovsky and shows the least tendency toward a "fixed" rhythm. Eleven-syllable verses, found in epitaphs, psalm adaptations, messages, epigrams, and occasional poems, are somewhat less common in Theophan's ...
Russian folk verse and the main approaches to its study
.... Kanty: sbornik dukhovnykh stikhov Nizhegorodskoi oblasti
[Spiritual Verses. Kants: Collection of Spiritual Verses of the Nizhniy Novgorod Region]. Moscow (in Russ.).
Efimenkova, B. B., 2001.
Ritm v proizvedeniyakh russkogo vokal'nogo fol'klora
[Rhythm in Russian Vocal Folklore]. Moscow (in Russ.).
Fedotov, O. I., 1995. A. F. Gilferding’s Views on Folk Verse. In:
Russkii fol’klor. T. 28.
Epicheskie traditsii: materialy i issledovaniya
[Russian Folklore. Vol. 28. Epic Traditions: Materials ...
Heine’s dolnik in the academic discussion and the Russian translation practice of the 1900s—1930s
... collection “Night Hours” (1911). The formal similarities between Russian and German ‘dolnik’ prompted scholars to develop comparative metrics and theories of tonic verse, while the rhythmic differences led to the refinement of concepts related to rhythm and meter in non-syllabic verse, as well as the establishment of ideas concerning formal and functional equivalence of metric forms in poetic translation. In addition to scientific discussions from the 1910s—1930s, the paper addresses the rhythmic ...
The methodology of developing manipulative skills in female gymnasts in the first year of training in basic training groups
The article considers the distinctive features of technical training with apparatus in groups of initial rhythmic gymnastics training. These features include the characteristics of children’s’ training session organization and the requirements for the technical performance and training of students. The author comes to the conclusion that the availability of equipment and persistent mastering of new techniques is of great importance in working with children. The development of manipulative skills...
Landscape dynamics in the Kaliningrad region over a historical period
... and pollen and radiocarbon analyses, of landscapes dynamics in the Subatlantic in three landscapes typical of the Kaliningrad region: the Vištytis upland, the Neman River delta lowland, and the Pregel lake-glacial plain. E. V. Maksimov's 1850-year rhythm model was used for data interpretation.
Гуделис В.
Рельеф и четвертичные отложения Прибалтики. Вильнюс, 1973.
Клейменова Г.
Палинологические ...
Shifts of adulterations as the result of seasonal horizontal convection under the shelf plate (numerical modeling)
convection induced by surface cooling over sea slope // Volume of abstracts of Baltic Sea Science Congress, March 19—22, 2007.
, 2007. P.
. P. 26.
Iesukova E., Chubarenko I. P.
nearshore, temperature circadian rhythms, slope convection, differential cooling.