The Soteriological Aspect of the Murals in the Kaliningrad Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
The article explores the main principles behind modern church paintings. The author examines the key factors affecting the structure of mural paintings and pays special attention to their semantic content. The main objective of the analysis is to identify means of expressive visualisation of the Divine Oeconomy,...
The Intercessor Type of Marian Iconography: Icons from the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art
Analysing the Intercessor type of Marian iconography, this author identifies the iconographic features of such depictions and explores the transformation that the image has undergone in the Russian icon painting tradition. To achieve this goal, the author employs the methods of comparison and generalisation and traces the transformation of the Byzantine image of Paraklesis into the Intercessor iconographic type of Russian icon painting. By examining ...
The ‘secret portrait’ in Eastern Slavic religious paintings on the threshold of modernity: The southwestern accent
This article examines the first attempts at introducing realistic portraits into Eastern European religious paintings. The author identifies stages in the development of this trend and describes aspects of cultural synthesis embodied in a portrait as the first secular genre of painting. A distinctive feature of this process is depicting an actual person in ...
The features of the Last Judgement theme in Galich icons at the threshold of the Modern Age
This article considers the transformation of traditional iconographic elements of the Western branch of Eastern Slavic icon painting in view of the civilisational processes developing in the late Middle Ages. It is stressed that the iconography of the Last Judgement was represented by more complex — in terms of composition and ideas — works reflecting the prevalent views ...
Pictorial art and George Perec’s oeuvre
... de l’Histoire // Le Cabinet d’amateur. Revue d’études pérecquiennes. 2011. № 1. URL:
https://association (дата обращения: 13.07.2019).
Kirichenko V. V.
Georges Perec, Oulipo, poetics, painting, function, structure, plot, in¬termedial studies
Eduard Bschoff’s murals in Insterburg's Stadthalle (1936—1939)
The article gives an overview of German fine arts of the late 1930s as exemplified by the murals painted by a professor of the Königsberg Academy of Arts Eduard Bischoff in the East Prussian town of Insterburg. The themese of monumental paintings created a national socialism are considered in the context of the neo-classical style of the architectural ...
Rhythm and Metaphor in the Art of the Icon
Using art history interpretation methods and the methods of historical cultural studies, the author demonstrates the role of rhythm and metaphor as the most expressive artistic means of icon painting. The interaction of rhythm and metaphor is an integral part of the imagery and semantics of icon painting. It is stressed that the entire theological and aesthetic image of icons, which is based on rhythm and metaphor, expresses the cosmogonic ...