The history of opposition between formal and dialectical logic in Russian philosophy
This article shows that the opposition between formal and dialectical logic first emerged within Hegel’s dialectical logic. The article shows that in the framework of the division of time into «now» and «not now», the incorrect formal logical description of dialectical opposition disappears. The author ...
Taking Detours through the “Transcendental Dialectic”. The Principles of Homogeneity, Specification, and Continuity
In a crucial paragraph (KrV, A 663-664 / B 691-692) of the first part of the “Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic”, Kant discusses the specific status of the principles of homogeneity, specification, and continuity. In doing so, he refers to an already proven argument and thus to other passages of the Critique of Pure Reason. In search of this argument ...
Self-knowledge of Reason as a vital phenomenon in Kant’s transcendental dialectic
This study attempts to interpret the process of self-knowledge of reason in the transcendental dialectic as a vital phenomena. In the transcendental dialectic, a thesis and antithesis arises from the division of reason, which can not happen in the death of reason. Dogmatism and skepticism, which had been derived from a division of reason, have ...
Some features of urban speech in the context of language situation of the Arkhangelsk North
The author presents the result of research into the speech of indigent population of Arkhangelsk aimed at identifying informants of dialect lexical units in view of social stratification. The data obtained show that dialect lexical units are still functionally active, but their frequency in groups formed according to the education principles differs considerably.
1. Ларин Б....
The problems of colloquial and dialect speech translation of short stories by Günter Grass
The author studies translation of lexical and phonetic colloquial and dialect specific speech features in the works of modern German writer Günter Grass. The author analyses the methods of fiction literature translation, which have been used for translation from Danzig dialect into Russian.
Девкин В.
Systematicity of the Critique of Pure Reason and Kant’s system (IV)
This article concludes the analysis of systematicity of the Critique of Pure Reason — the work that underlies the entire system created by the great Königsberg philosopher. The author considers the role of transcendental dialectic (it accounts for more than half of the book) in Kant’s methodology of science and the system of criticism. In the context of traditional epistemological theories, it was an entirely new instalment supplementing these theories and understanding ...
The ethno-cultural component of a woman image in the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “And Quiet Flows the Don”
... the novel. The main research methods are descriptive, contextual and discursive analysis, lexicographic, ethnographic, component analysis method, etc. The article shows that the ethno-cultural component of a woman’s image structure is based on the dialect picture of the world of the Don Cossacks and is represented within a separate verbal sign or by describing the appearance or behavior of a woman in a particular context. In addition, the ethno-cultural component is reflected in the representation ...
Dialektik als Logik des Scheins. Zu Kants Lektüre von Michael Piccarts Isagoge
... Aristotelianism (emphasised by Tonelli’s research). To further check the quality of Piccart as a source of Kant’s, a conceptual case-study is elaborated with Kant’s critical distinction between analytics as a “logic of truth” (KrV, B 85) and dialectics as a “logic of illusion” (KrV, B 86). Hereby, dialectics is understood as part of an Aristotelian division of logic in analytics, dialectics and sophistics (Königsberg/Rabe versus Altdorf/Piccart). As will be shown by the paradigmatic ...
Kantian and Anti-Kantian Philosophy of Language
... fundamentally different notions of philosophical knowledge. Unlike Husserl, whose thought is marked by revolutionary radicalism, for Shpet ideal knowledge is “positive”, “concrete”, “full” and “dynamic”. He considers philosophising to be dialectical and inherently dialogic. The result of philosophy meeting these ideals is the concept that our knowledge is centred on language and our experience has a sign-verbal character.
Alexander, W. M., 1966. Johann Georg Hamann: Metacritic of ...
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by D.N. Ushakov as an ethnolinguistic source
... this dictionary as a potential source for the study of ethnolinguistic vocabulary. It is demonstrated that Ushakov’s work not only fulfills all the normative functions of an explanatory dictionary but also objectively contains a significant amount of dialectal vocabulary, as it was still in demand among speakers of that time and naturally of interest to ethnolinguists. The extensive system of stylistic and emotionally expressive labels in the dictionary today aids in identifying, on the one hand, ...
The development of everyday language in the German-speaking countries in the framework of the sociolinguistic concept of language evolution
... Zwischen Standardnorm und Intim-Variante //International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 1990. Bd. 93. S. 83—103.
Kopchuk L.
language evolution, trends, language antinomy, everyday spoken discourse, colloquial language, standard language, dialects.
Substandard as the basis of author's idiolect in the Russian prose of the 21st century
This article analyses the usage of substandard elements in literary works. Substandard is regarded as a characteristic of the author's idiolect from the standpoint of their internal culture, ethics and aesthetic expressiveness. It is emphasised that the author's usage of substandard units depends on both ideological and thematic content as well as the cultural-linguistic state of the society.
толковый словарь донского казачества. М., 2003.
Бурняшев В.
. Гроза с Дону. Сальск...
The problem of research on the material culture vocabulary in the dialects of the Volgograd region
This article considers approaches to the analysis of material culture vocabulary used in scientific literature and overviews the dialects of the Volgograd region. The author addresses the principles and methods of analysing the folk-craft vocabulary of different secondary dialects on the basis of data obtained from filed studies in the settlements of the region.
Баранникова ...