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Immanuel Kant and the problem of communicative constructivism
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Immanuel Kant, Copernican turn, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ernst Cassirer, Ed-ward Sapir, Benjamin L. Whorf, Noam Chomsky, communicative constructivism
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A transcendental analysis of mathematics: The constructive nature of mathematics
... thought" [CPR, B 81]. A ‘constructive’ understanding of mathematical acts going back to Euclid’s genetic method is an important innovation introduced by Kant. This understanding is at the heart of modern mathematical formalism, intuitionism, and constructivism. Within Kant’s constructivism, mathematics can be described as a two-tier system, which suggests a “shift” from the level of concepts of the understanding to the level of sensual intuition, where mathematical acts are performed, followed ...
Kant’s transcendentalism as a transcendental paradigm of philo¬so¬phiz¬ing
... the metaphysics of the subject (immanent metaphysics; meta—psychology)). For this purpose, the author introduces suchnew methodological concepts as “transcendental shift” and “transcendental perspective” (see CPR, B25) and “transcendental constructivism” or “pragmatism” (see “acts of pure thinking" (CPR, B81)). This interpretation of transcendentalism is based on the cognitive-semantic reading of the Critique in the light of Kant’s question formulated in a letter to M. Herz ...
Mental mapping of the border between Western and Eastern Europe: transforming conceptions
... The study revealed unexpected gender differences in answers: women were more likely to push the border of the Eastern Europe closer to Russia.
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Western Europe, Eastern Europe, mental mapping, border, constructivism
Intangible Factors of U. S. Influence in Latin American and Caribbean Countries in the Entertainment Industry Context
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Key conceptual trends in the study of nationalism
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Action-thoughts and the genesis of time in linguistic semiosis
The genesis of time is explained in the spirit of constructivism combined with the activity approach to cognition. The cardinal temporal categories of present, past, and future are discussed in terms of action-thoughts understood as elementary units of activity whose structure is determined by linguistic ...
‘The Word, an Ulcer…’: Aleksey Chicherin’s semiotic utopia
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