From Pan-Islamism to Pan-Turkism: Changing the paradigm of the political and legal development of the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th — early 20th century
This article is devoted to the study of the qualitative transition from the political and legal doctrine of Ottomanism to the doctrine of Pan-Turkism, which took place in the late Ottoman society of the late XIX — early XX century. The problems of state-legal construction during the transformation of the state education of the pre-modern type into the modern state are highlighted. The purpose of this article is to explore the path of transformation of the dominant political and legal paradigms, ideologies and discourses in late Ottoman society from the beginning of the Tanzimat era until the end of the Ottoman Empire. The methodological basis of the study is made up of general scientific methods of cognition in combination with specific scientific methods developed by legal and historical science (formal legal, comparative legal, historical, systemic method, method of analysis and synthesis, method of legal interpretation). Based on historical and legal material on relevant topics, the author traces not only the process of changing the dominant position of the doctrine of Ottomanism in the circles of Ottoman intellectuals, but also the transition to a position of sympathy for the ideas of Turkism on the part of some of the late Ottoman power elites. In addition, the author explains the prerequisites for such a transition. The issue of the influence of the change and development of political and legal doctrines of Ottomanism, Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism not only on late Ottoman society, but also on modern Turkish society, which arose after the Kemalist reforms and the founding of the Republic, is also covered.