IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2021 Issue №1

Agents approach to the state economic policies in the condition of fundamental uncertainty


The article analyses approaches to understanding the term "economic policies". The author proceeds from the fact that the state acts as a specific economic agent and, being the economic agent, on the one hand has the right to establish formal institutions of the national economics, and on the other hand, it itself is one of the elements of this sector of the global socio-economics system. The article proposes the author’s definition of the economic policies regimes, which is understood as a set of rules, measures, norms to achieve the macro-goal of the country's growth through the development of its economic system. With this approach, it becomes possible to adjust the economic policies by changing their regimes if, for a predetermined period of time, the target in­dicators are not achieved for any reason. The author proposes to divide the ex­ternal environment in which the state acts as an economic agent into two spaces. The first is that part of the world economic area, which stays under the authority of a particular state as an economic agent. The second space is a part of the global economic area where this state does not have the authority to di­rectly establish formal institutions. The criterion of correlation of the state economic policy with the macro-development goals of the country is proposed to serve to measure the quality of economic policies.

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The relationship between transport accessibility and quality of life in rural areas of the Kaliningrad region


For Russian rural areas, the level of transport accessibility is increasingly a decisive factor in socio-economic development. Since this process has long been self-regulated and secondary among the tasks of regional development, today not all opportunities to improve transport accessibility in remote rural areas are fully or partially used. Taking into account the specific nature of the settlement pattern of the region, this research topic is of certain interest for the Kaliningrad Region to be considered as a regional model of social and natural space. The classical field, economic-geographical and sociological methods used in the work are narrowed down to the idea that the problem of transport accessibility within the frame "center-rural periphery" is interdependent with the residents’ standard of living. The settlements work in an optimal regime when the distance to the administrative and public-business center of the re­gion — Kaliningrad, is reduced. The implementation of programs on the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation and regional programs is an in­strument for increasing the investment, demographic, production, economic, and socio-infrastructural potential of rural settlements and the region as a whole.

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Centres for the generation of scientific publications of the international level in the regions of Russia


In the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of publications by Russian authors in international databases of scientific cita­tion which is dictated by the desire to increase the global competitiveness of scientific and educational organizations. In order to assess the effectiveness of scientific work scientometric indicators are used to compare the achievements of countries, regions and individual researchers. Thus spatial scientometrics makes it possible to organize data on the information flow of scientific publica­tions and to optimize navigation in the publication space at various spatial levels. The aim of this work is to identify centers for the generation of scien­tific knowledge in Russia using scientometric methods, as well as to classify regions by the level of scientific productivity. The bibliographic and abstract database Scopus and the analytical toolkit Scival were taken as a data source. The study revealed the spatial distribution of new knowledge on the territory of Russia, the largest centers, the dynamics of their productivity growth and indicators of the quality of scientific research.

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