IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2020 Issue №2

Legal regulation of activities in the Arctic in the context of sanctions


The article explores the sanction factor impact on the legislative frame­work regulating Russian and European joint economic activities in the Arctic. The fundamental documents on the joint projects with the European Union get analyzed in the context of the sanction factor. The paper focuses on chang­es in the legislative framework for Russian — EU joint activities, as well as relevant restrictions. The author concludes that the sanction factor is hardly affective as the main restrictions are imposed on the offshore oil production sector, which cannot yet be developed effectively due to its high cost. The con­sidered measures do not seriously challenge any other economic areas, allow­ing the joint projects develop at almost the same level. According to the au­thor, the influence of the sanction factor is exaggerated, which means further joint activities of Russia and the EU may have the same prospects.

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Some issues of the notary certified transactions


The article reveals the concept and place of the notary in certified transac­tions. It considers such problematic issues as transactions, civil law and civil process, electronic transactions, the role of the notary public in the digital space when certifying transactions. Particular attention is paid to transac­tions requiring mandatory notarization, as well as real estate transactions. The general rules for transactions notarization, their features and interaction between the court and the notary public regarding the certification of transac­tions are investigated. The article analyzes the main provisions of the Funda­mentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federa­tion, makes some suggestions for improving the legislation.
Notarial certification of transactions is primary among other notarial acts; certification of transactions on the alienation of real estate with the pro­posal of their mandatory notarization require a special approach and research; the paper also focuses on the need for electronic notaries in certifying transac­tions, as well as the digital transactions.

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