IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2019 Issue №4

Public law entities and the theory of the subjects of law


This article reviews theoretical works of Russian legal scholars on pub­lic law entities and analyses several provisions of the Constitution of the Rus­sian Federation and the Charter of the Kursk region. The author reflects on the rep­resentational functions that public law entities perform in public relations. The article aims to study the terminology and essential characteristics of legal entities in public law. The author considers the widely discussed problem of the juridical person as a legal fiction and explores it proceeding from the methodological assumption that Russian legislation recognizes the legal standing of the juridical person (public law entity). The author performed a comparative semantic analysis of the terminology and used a formal method of legal research revealing the constitutional foundations of the representational functions of public law entities in public relations. Many legal scholars have demonstrated the fallacy of separate terms in public law and have drawn at­tention to the increasing number of arbitrary provisions in public legislation. In their works, they have noted a growing number of fictitious legal construc­tions and relations that complicate the assessment of the legitimacy of the in­dividual’s conduct.

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Social code of the Kaliningrad Region in the sys­tem of legal regulation of social relations


The authors discuss the problem of a comprehensive legal regulation of social relations. This issue is relevant due to the active social policy pursued by the state. This policy aims to develop social institutions and improve the quality of life of Russian citizens. The authors studied the state and coherence of social legislation in Russia and abroad. The correlation and regulatory fea­tures of different legal systems are analysed. Special attention was paid to the level of systematization of social legislation, its accessibility and the feasibility of its implementation. Legal regulation of social relations is considered against the background of other factors and the links between them. The proposed sys­temic approach to studying social relations at various levels of legal regulation allowed the authors to identify a number of problems and suggest ways of solving them. The article substantiates the need to harmonise Russian social legislation, which should include both measures of social support of the popu­lation and the mechanisms of reducing social inequality. It is proposed to adopt a legislative codified act regulating social relations in the Russian Fed­eration and to determine the basic principles and directions of regional social policy.

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