IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2019 Issue №1

The content of morality as an object of constitutional and legal protection


The article develops the concept of «morality» and establishes its content as an object of constitutional and legal protection. The author analyzes some legal provisions related to the protection of public morality. Another issue which is considered in this publication is the views of researchers who stud­ied the content of morality as a matter of legal protection in various legal spaces.

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Writ and simplified proceedings in civil process: a compara­tive analysis


The article reveals the concept and features of writ and simplified pro­ceedings in the civil process. A comparative analysis is carried out in the his­torical aspect of the development of institutions; in legal regulation; in proce­dural matters of production; in the prospects and benefits of development. The research focuses on the provisions of the Civil procedure code of the Russian Federation related to the implementation of simplified production and some is­sues of improving legislation as well as different views of experts on this issue.

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On the question of the reliability of witnesses’ testimony


The author explores separate aspects of the genesis of testimony. Obtain­ing reliable testimony from witnesses is the main objecting of this research. The author reflects on the latest developments in science, which expand a range of methods used for studying human psyche and personality as a source of information about the crime event. Based on the analysis of the current methods for obtaining reliable testimony, the author draws a conclusion on the need to develop the theoretical basis for a forensic study of the witness's personality in order to improve the effectiveness of criminal proceedings.

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On implementation of legal investigation in the Russian criminal process


The quality of a defense lawyer’s work depends on the skills, knowledge, profes­sional experience and some other factors, but still the most efficient tool is the range of lawyer’s mandate, and more specifically, the access to collecting the evidence. The article considers the challenges of a lawyer’s work in collect­ing evidence, specific proposals to improve the process of collecting evidence in a criminal process are made. The area of criminal procedural law governing the power to gather evidence by a lawyer is the most sensitive and vulnerable point for criticism from analysts. The process of evidence gathering in the framework of the criminal process should be ultimately regulated so that to exercise several principles of criminal justice, includ­ing the presumption of innocence, ensuring the suspect the right to defense, adver­sary parties who should not act only in trial, but also at the preliminary investiga­tion stage.

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On the 20th anniversary of the Department of criminal procedure, criminology and legal Informatics of the I. Kant Baltic Federal University


The modern stage of education development is characterized by new ap­proaches to the departmental activities in the leading universities of Russia, changes in the evaluation of the activities’ outcomes, the functions of depart­mental heads. The pur­pose of the research was to focus on some certain activi­ty features of the research departments at the University (the study was con­ducted using the materials of the Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Law Informational Science Department of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal Universi­ty): providing direct educational and educa­tional impact on students (bache­lors, masters, postgraduates); managing research and extending methodologi­cal support; interacting with other departments of lead­ing universities of Rus­sia and the region, as well as cooperating with foreign col­leagues from the universities of Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Germany, England, USA; cooper­ating with practical departments of the region; managing the Criminal­istics Situology research group under the leadership of T. S. Volchetskaya; under­graduate research activity; keeping traditions of the academic department. The arti­cle concludes that the modern academic department should be the center of training for researchers, academic and pedagogical staff. It is the head of the department who is the center to everything, a key element in the management system, which forms a cohesive team of professionally trained people able to solve a variety of tasks.

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