IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2017 Issue №3

Evolution of the Regional Religious Policy in the Saratov region (1989—2017)


The article shows the development of political practices of the regional government bodies in the field of protecting the rights of citizens to the freedom of conscience and the freedom of religion. The author analyses the principles of regulating the activity of religious organizations, and monitoring their interaction with different religious confessions in the Saratov region. Special attention is paid to the emerging system of partnership between the state and religious institutions, which is a key vector in the development of religious policy at the subnational level.

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Semiotic Inversions in the Formation of the Political Image in the Media Discourse: the image of Russia in German media


The article describes the process of forming the political image of Russia in socio-political media through semiotic inversions. It is claimed that in the modern media discourse, the political image is based on the pre-established ‘rules of the game’. The author holds that historical facts are often replaced by false models of reality in the modern mass media discourse.

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Political Parties and the Information Policy of the Norwegian Broadcasting Company at the end of XX century


The author analyses the influence of parliamentary political parties on the nature of the information policy and institutional position of the Norwegian TV and Radio Company at the end of the twentieth century. The issues of overcoming the monopoly in the market of information services and its commercialization are considered. The author describes the main milestones of the political discussion on restricting market mechanisms of providing access to information.

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