IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2015 Issue №9

Relevant issues of the fight against corruption


This article studies the criminogenic circumstances associated with cor-ruption and those impeding effective fight against it. In view of the extreme social danger of corruption and the considerable economic, political, and moral damage to the society, this article formulates a number of proposals primarily relating to criminal law relevant at the current stage of social development.

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The official as a public officer


This article considers the correlation between the definitions of the concept of ‘official’ given by the civil law and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author analyses relevant academic views and judicial practice and formulates proposals on the legislative foirmalisation of the characteristics of a public officer in view of the Supreme Court’s position

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Problems of classifying tax crimes by actus reus


This article examines certain issues relating to the calculation of large and especially large amounts of unpaid taxes. It is noted that the Plenum of the Supreme Court is expected to amend current Decision No. 64 of 28.12.2006 ‘On the practices of courts applying criminal legislation on liability for tax crimes’. It is also stressed that, despite the existing obligation to pay insurance premiums, there is no rule on criminal liability of persons evading such payments. In this regard, it is proposed to include liability for failing to pay insurance premiums to the state budget funds in the disposition of Articles 198, 199 of the Criminal Code.

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Regional features in the forensic characteristics of traffic accidents (based on the cases of the Kaliningrad Inspection for Traffic Security)


It is stressed that the current research methodologies for investigating traffic accidents pay little attention to forensic characteristics. Moreover, they do not take into account regional characteristics. However, an analysis of relevant judicial and investigative processes made it possible to establish that the investigator’s awareness of the information model of crime increases their efficiency in investigating certain traffic accidents.

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Using the modelling method in investigating criminal fires


This article addresses the relevant issues of using the modelling method in investigating criminal fires and classifies it. The authors identify the modelling and reconstruction methods in the system of criminal fire investigation. An analysis of the correlation between modelling and reconstruction is conducted. New applications of these methods are described.

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