IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2015 Issue №6

Königsberg’s urbal elites: Between the tradition and innovation (1815—1914)


The paper focuses on Königsberg’s elites faced with fast changes in the 19th century. The city’s old merchant families were up against increasing competition from new actors – industrialists and bankers – trying to take advantage of the former. The author examines changes in the elites in the course of major economic, social, and political changes

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Eduard Bschoff’s murals in Insterburg's Stadthalle (1936—1939)


The article gives an overview of German fine arts of the late 1930s as exemplified by the murals painted by a professor of the Königsberg Academy of Arts Eduard Bischoff in the East Prussian town of Insterburg. The themese of monumental paintings created a national socialism are considered in the context of the neo-classical style of the architectural style of adjacent buildings. Special attention is paid to describing and interpreting the compositions of the painting found in the Insterburg Stadthalle.

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Teachers in the Kaliningrad region: The problems and theirs solution


This article studies human resource availability at Kaliningrad regional educational institutions in the first post-Soviet period. Attention is paid to staffing of school after 1991, the measures taken by education authorities to improve the living conditions of teachers, and the aspiration of teachers to increase their knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the changing education systems. Teachers had to not only embark on the current processes of state development and change approaches to the education system, but also to pre¬serve and put into practice the best element of the Soviet school.

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